Hmmm. I've been keeping a promise to write a really long blog, but I just can't seem to find for it. I don't know why. Well, recently four of us have been getting together to play a good game of back alley bridge. It's a long game to describe, so I won't bother with it. Anyway, it's been snowing like crazy lately. People have been complaining about it, but I certainly haven't. Hell, this sort of makes up for the lack of snow that PA has. inspired by that, I finally gave in and bought some college logo wear. After all, it's 15% off. I needed new lounge pants anyway. I went about a semester with that one Lyco shirt they gave me at the beginning of the year. Well, gotta invest my loan money somewhere good, right? Anyway, the day was pretty uneventful. I went to work, and I also slept in for my only class, I have no idea how that happened since my cell phone is my alarm and i'm usually awake when it goes off.
Anyway, I'm psyched that this possible Boston trip to see Tricia might work out. I haven't seen her in a loooonggg time, and I misses her a lot :( With her help, my mommy, and I, i think we can pull it together and make it work. I've been to Boston once, but we didn't stop long enough to sight see and what not. So i'm excited. I also have to get all this together. Afterall, i'm registered to be gone 2 days of break :)
Anyway, I just remembered the shitload of hmwk that I have to do.
Until next time,
Ciao amores.
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