Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sleeping in

I broke all of my sleeping in records-- I managed to wake up on Saturday (yesterday) at 3pm, just in time for dinner. I guess I did it for the love of watching Bam's Unholy Union. They ran the season from 12am until 5am. It was worth it, I was laughing my ass off most of the time. It's amazing how someone can get paid for acting stupid. I'm amazed that Bam Margera could get a gig like that, and that's why he's my hero for the day.

I've noticed that a lot of reality TV shows are scripted. They are so bad, that you can tell the people who are supposed to be acting "normal" actually have their actions pre-set by some lame producer. Sometimes, I must admit, it's a work of art. Other times (which is about 89% of the time) it's shitty and it doesn't make sense. What makes reality TV now? It's hard to find the real thing now, it's like finding your true love on the first date. That's never going to happen (and don't get mad at that last statement, stop lying to yourself). It's the good form of Absinthe that's banned in the US (don't believe it? Look it up, I dare ya. See? I even provided a link. Now, say thank you.)
Anyway, I don't know how i got on that route, but my point is, poor sleeping habits will pay off later. Especially in college. Although my classes here aren't mandatory, some teachers do take attendance, so your attendance will be proportional to your grade at the end of the semester.
If you're like me, my body gets used to things pretty easily. Sleep patterns is one of them. One time, I fell asleep at around 3am, I haven't gone to bed any earlier since.
Speaking of bedtimes, i'm starting to get a little weary although i've been up for 12 hours. So I must be off.
Remember, say no to Internet Explorer. I don't know why, but don't use it!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Weekends are usually spent sleeping, watching TV, partying, doing anything BUT school work.
I'm usually stuck in my room because I have nothing better to do. It also happens to be parent's weekend. I also happened to deny the possibility of my mom moving to Williamsport. It's just too weird to have her close again. I admit, I like living in the south although sometimes people get the wrong impression of me when I tell them I am from Texas. Half the time, they wonder why I don't have an accent, or if my house is in the desert. It's not, sorry to break all your hopes and dreams.
I've been a foreigner for 4+ years now. It all started when I went to boarding school in Northern Wisconsin. I couldn't wait to get out of there, but now I can't wait to go back. I guess it was because of the strong hold the school administration had on the students. We yearn for freedom, but when we finally achieve it, we don't know what to do with out find ourselves with our hands full of things to do.
Nothing exciting has happened. I possibly passed my Astronomy test. Hurrah!
Now the thing I must conquer: contact with others in order to build a human-like relationship.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

new calculator!

So after a few failed attempts to get a calculator on ebay, I finally have one!
that's another thing you shouldn't head out to college without...a nice graphing calculator.
After I "lost" mine last year, I sent out an email to see if anyone had it, but I got no response. Son of a Bitch who has it. I know someone still has it. but, i got a new one, although it's used.

yay! now i can goof off in Calc class. Astronomy class doesn't deserve that. haha.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


yes, contrary to popular belief, I am capable of having those feelings.
So, my laptop, Quetzalcoatl has been acting up lately. It turns out that it had some bugs in it. After restarting and resetting it all over again, i thought it would run smoothly.
little did I know i was going to be wrong.
So, usually when you get a laptop, you also usually install the usual IM, and other programs that you need on your computer. Between the time that i restarted and was uploading some of these applications, I did another random SpyWare scan, and found out that my computer managed to AGAIN contract the same bugs.
How the hell can this be? I erased everything from my laptop and started it up clean, but I am still puzzled at how the hell this can happen.
I have no clue as what to do. I guess i'll be heading to Geek Squad soon. Turns out the campus Tech Center doesn't troubleshoot. I need to use this compy for my school work, but I am already getting frustrated.
Help? Anyone?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So I finally got the courage to somewhat shape my eyebrows. I was kind of thinking back to the day I got my manicure and pedicure and how the vietnamese stylists offered to wax my eyebrows for $5 more. No thanks, I said. How I regret that now...
oh, if only I had a camera! They don't look like mutated bugs anymore.
I need to find one. Don't head out to college without one. It might get you a few friends.
But anyway, I hate to admit it, but I like to draw eyebrows when I'm bored. When I do that, it usually means I am extremely bored.
If only I had the hands to make the perfect eyebrow.
It's a weird obsession of mine, I know. Maybe next time I should just go to the beauty salon.
By the way, the nails that I got done have now almost partly grown out. That means I can put on my contacts again without poking my eye out. Hurray!
Another note: if you plan on procrastinating, make sure you know when the deadline for your project is due.
There goes my 4.0 for Freshman year.
Which leads me to today's quote of the day:
"Hard work often pays off after time. Laziness always pays off now."
Thanks to my Astronomy professor for that thought of the day.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sundays have never been my favorite day. In fact, when I was little, I absolutely detested Sundays.
Might've been because I had to go to church every Sunday.
Even then, Sundays are the creepy cousin you avoid during the holidays.
To be honest, i don't even mind Mondays.
Now I've realized that a bunch of my deadlines have crept up on me. What to do, what to do?!?
Sleep! although i got 9 hours of it, I don't mind catching another hour.
Ta-ta for now.

P.s. I just got a new calculator- i bet these suckers are going to rule the world someday

the dreaded first blog

it's 3:08 am EST, and i'm still awake.
why? Because i'm a college student, that's why.
anyway, i'm getting tired. Time to fly off. For now.