Weekends are usually spent sleeping, watching TV, partying, doing anything BUT school work.
I'm usually stuck in my room because I have nothing better to do. It also happens to be parent's weekend. I also happened to deny the possibility of my mom moving to Williamsport. It's just too weird to have her close again. I admit, I like living in the south although sometimes people get the wrong impression of me when I tell them I am from Texas. Half the time, they wonder why I don't have an accent, or if my house is in the desert. It's not, sorry to break all your hopes and dreams.
I've been a foreigner for 4+ years now. It all started when I went to boarding school in Northern Wisconsin. I couldn't wait to get out of there, but now I can't wait to go back. I guess it was because of the strong hold the school administration had on the students. We yearn for freedom, but when we finally achieve it, we don't know what to do with out find ourselves with our hands full of things to do.
Nothing exciting has happened. I possibly passed my Astronomy test. Hurrah!
Now the thing I must conquer: contact with others in order to build a human-like relationship.
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