yes, contrary to popular belief, I am capable of having those feelings.
So, my laptop, Quetzalcoatl has been acting up lately. It turns out that it had some bugs in it. After restarting and resetting it all over again, i thought it would run smoothly.
little did I know i was going to be wrong.
So, usually when you get a laptop, you also usually install the usual IM, and other programs that you need on your computer. Between the time that i restarted and was uploading some of these applications, I did another random SpyWare scan, and found out that my computer managed to AGAIN contract the same bugs.
How the hell can this be? I erased everything from my laptop and started it up clean, but I am still puzzled at how the hell this can happen.
I have no clue as what to do. I guess i'll be heading to Geek Squad soon. Turns out the campus Tech Center doesn't troubleshoot. I need to use this compy for my school work, but I am already getting frustrated.
Help? Anyone?
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