A memorial for Suicide Bunny.
One of my friends gave me a website to check it in order to revive suicide bunny. Estimated cost: 129$.
I figured I could get another iPod on ebay for a few dollars more. So what have I been up to since yesterday? I've been watching as many 80GB Classic iPod as humanly possible on ebay. I came real close to winning a bid last night, but someone in the last 10 seconds of the bid outbid me. Great. I hate those people. Can't you buy your iPod from the apple store or something?
Meanwhile, i'm suffering through withdrawal. My iPod dock has been empty since Tuesday night when Suicide Bunny was having a brain and heart shut down. I can't find my cable that hooks up my headphones to my phone, so I can't carry around music and have a reason to be anti-social.
It's strange, my iPod was like a friend. It never judged me, it would act up sometimes but it eventually cooled down, you could shut it off whenever you wanted to, and best of all, it had my same music taste :) it was also a great travel companion, especially for long train, bus, or airplane trips.
I still can't believe it's dead. This week has been bad. Very bad. I got some tests and paper back. Moral of the story: I need to move into the library like I did last semester. Things haven't been going so well this week. eh.
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