lilmexicanjane (10:41:58 PM): so guess what
lilmexicanjane (10:42:09 PM): someone stole over 1,000$ from my room
lilmexicanjane (10:42:20 PM): combined from me and my roommate
lilmexicanjane (10:42:32 PM): and i was told i am the possible prime suspect
Mrgrimm601 (10:42:37 PM): X_?
lilmexicanjane (10:42:49 PM): *i was
Mrgrimm601 (10:47:58 PM): that's ridiculous
lilmexicanjane (10:49:10 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (10:49:18 PM): i love it how you assume i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:20 PM):
lilmexicanjane (10:49:21 PM): jk
lilmexicanjane (10:49:23 PM): i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:48 PM): the campus security asked me questions, the way they want you to admit that you did it
lilmexicanjane (10:50:03 PM): but i didn't do it, and i cried for the first time this semester
Mrgrimm601 (10:50:52 PM): motherfuckers
Mrgrimm601 (10:51:33 PM): they'll try to finger it on anyone who seems like they've got even the slightest hint of motive and access
lilmexicanjane (10:51:41 PM): jesus christ yes
lilmexicanjane (10:51:46 PM): i'm going to take a shower
lilmexicanjane (10:52:00 PM): but i have a lot of things that they can assume it was me
lilmexicanjane (10:52:09 PM): and i'll tell you in a bit
Mrgrimm601 (10:52:23 PM): aight
lilmexicanjane (11:09:43 PM): back
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): ok
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): so
lilmexicanjane (11:09:53 PM): i was questioned at the security office
lilmexicanjane (11:10:18 PM): they told me since it was after a certain amount of cash that had been stolen, they had contacted the City Police
lilmexicanjane (11:10:34 PM): so he asked me three times whether i did it or not
lilmexicanjane (11:10:40 PM): three times i told him no
lilmexicanjane (11:14:12 PM): i told him what i knew in terms of the money stolen. So after the questioning, he brought up that I wasn't going to be returning next year, because some of my other friends had been questioned and they mentioned that. I knew the answer he was looking for, he was looking for me to say that it was monetary issues. So i told him that i had an ortho down in Texas and i needed to finish my treatment down there, and then i said that money was also an issue, but not a huge one; i still had money in my bank account to pay all of the bills because of my income over the summer. Then he asked me where I worked, i told him, and he asked me that terrible question again. I tolf him no, I have no reason to steal the money, sure i'm poor, but i have no reason to steal it.
lilmexicanjane (11:14:48 PM): then he asked me what my major was, and if i was going to continue to study it at the next university that i was going to transfer to.
lilmexicanjane (11:16:16 PM): then he says: "i'm going to be honest with you, the police will think that you're the prime suspect"
lilmexicanjane (11:16:20 PM): and that's when i lost it
lilmexicanjane (11:16:46 PM): we ended the interview, and i basically ran out of the security office crying
lilmexicanjane (11:16:51 PM): and that's that.
lilmexicanjane (11:17:01 PM): i'm just waiting for the police to ask me questions now, i guess
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:37 PM): jesus mary n' joseph
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:44 PM): goddamn pigs
lilmexicanjane (11:18:08 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (11:18:13 PM): already, i'm outie
lilmexicanjane (11:18:25 PM): i'll catch you later love, i'm on to spread my story
I'm the prime suspect in the robbery. I went out of there defeated, crying back to my room because I was being accused of something I didn't do.
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