It's thanksgiving break, so of course nothing is really getting done XD
True life is taking up most of my time.
it's enjoyable.
the campus completely shut down, so that means that the cafeteria is closed as well. boo. Tricia is here and we've been going to places and eating and stuff. On a budget, of course!
I move back to Houston in about three weeks, so it's back to the prison cell for me.
Thanksgiving dinner at James' tomorrow! I look forward to it.
hey it's alright my life has always been a sad emotion. don't feel sorry for me feeling sorry has been my last devotion anyway! anyway! Yeah... hey it's alright my life has never been a bed of roses this way's better for me I don't care to live the life I've chosen.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
One of my favorite books is 1984. I first started reading it when I was in 7th grade, my teacher had assigned it to the reading group that I was in. We read Part I, I believe, and then I read the rest of the book during reading time in 8th grade. I was fascinated by it, how someone can rebel and be brought down by the society that overrules them.
Here's my beef-- the college I'm at has decided to install key card scanners on pretty much ALL doors on campus. You need your ID to get into the library, the academic center, the chapel, the bio/chem building, and on top of that you need your keycard to get food and go inside the Rec Center. The student body got an email a few days ago stating that the ID scanners were installed to heighten security, but my concern is: what instances have presented themselves and have threatened the security of the proximal environment. Who honestly wants to break in to a chapel passed the hours that it's supposed to be open?
It's getting a little annoying to have to beep in everywhere I go to. It's turned back to my high school years where you couldn't do anything without having your ID card.
Well, at least Lycoming maintains establishes a good base with its Alumna. Oh! Burn!
i'll leave with a positive note.

- (I realize i've been signing my 'name' wrong. so it's actually.
Here's my beef-- the college I'm at has decided to install key card scanners on pretty much ALL doors on campus. You need your ID to get into the library, the academic center, the chapel, the bio/chem building, and on top of that you need your keycard to get food and go inside the Rec Center. The student body got an email a few days ago stating that the ID scanners were installed to heighten security, but my concern is: what instances have presented themselves and have threatened the security of the proximal environment. Who honestly wants to break in to a chapel passed the hours that it's supposed to be open?
It's getting a little annoying to have to beep in everywhere I go to. It's turned back to my high school years where you couldn't do anything without having your ID card.
Well, at least Lycoming maintains establishes a good base with its Alumna. Oh! Burn!
i'll leave with a positive note.
- (I realize i've been signing my 'name' wrong. so it's actually.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I dissapeared for a little bit....
That's right. My Facebook is no more. For now. See, here's my deal, I have a lot of work to do, and facebook has been a big distraction. No, HUGE, ON AN EPIC SCALE.
So it would only be natural to delete my account so the temptation's not there. You know what? It's working pretty well actually. I've been getting a lot of work done thus far. I've also realized how much work I need to catch up on as well.
At least i'm not sick anymore. The nasty cough I had was really bad, if I didn't mention that before. I have not been that sick in such a long time. I had bronchitis when I was way younger because I was jumping around in the rain while it was 4o degrees out. I had it coming. Thankfully it didn't worsen beyond having to take medicine for it.
While I was finishing off this ridiculous paper on what Nietzche's slogan: "beyond good and evil" and what the hell he meant by it, that it finally hit me that I won't be returning to PA. It saddens me, really, having already established a base and having to leave yet again, so soon. My german professor has brought up the topic of my departure a few times already. He's an interesting character, relates well with the students, and I have to say that I have not had a teacher like him yet. I know of teachers like him, but I haven't taken their courses (in case you had a certain geologist in mind :P). Although i'll leave sad, it's been an interesting chapter in my life, and I definitely don't regret it. It's back to the public higher education school system for me *shudders*. Haha, it won't be too bad. It'll be cheaper as well.
It's close to 5am. I need to get to sleep before I sleep through another class again.
So it would only be natural to delete my account so the temptation's not there. You know what? It's working pretty well actually. I've been getting a lot of work done thus far. I've also realized how much work I need to catch up on as well.
At least i'm not sick anymore. The nasty cough I had was really bad, if I didn't mention that before. I have not been that sick in such a long time. I had bronchitis when I was way younger because I was jumping around in the rain while it was 4o degrees out. I had it coming. Thankfully it didn't worsen beyond having to take medicine for it.
While I was finishing off this ridiculous paper on what Nietzche's slogan: "beyond good and evil" and what the hell he meant by it, that it finally hit me that I won't be returning to PA. It saddens me, really, having already established a base and having to leave yet again, so soon. My german professor has brought up the topic of my departure a few times already. He's an interesting character, relates well with the students, and I have to say that I have not had a teacher like him yet. I know of teachers like him, but I haven't taken their courses (in case you had a certain geologist in mind :P). Although i'll leave sad, it's been an interesting chapter in my life, and I definitely don't regret it. It's back to the public higher education school system for me *shudders*. Haha, it won't be too bad. It'll be cheaper as well.
It's close to 5am. I need to get to sleep before I sleep through another class again.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
On Life and Death
it's Saturday. It's been one weke since I got sick.
It sucks.
I have been on my death bed all much sleep, I wonder where all the energy for it came from. I am still sick and have a nasty cough. I'm living off of Dayquil and Vitamin C. It's ridiculous. I really don't wish this upon anyone. Except that one girl I don't really like. She can have it for two weeks because she's ridiculous.
alright, until next time.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Music Rant
Bare with me for a lil' bit...
so i've been looking around for some new music to add to my collection.
Now, for those of you who know me well enough, know that i CANNOT stand Screamo. Or any type of screaming metal type shit.
here we go:
Finntroll- if screaming metal doesn't scare you enough, they screaming metal in Finnish sure as hell will.
Lamb of God- After listening to them after TDWP (you'll see who they are)- They are a step up from screamo, but not by much. Why scream lyrics? Doesn't it hurt your vocal chords?
The Devil Wears Prada- Really? Did you have to scream so loudly and in such a whiny tone? I really don't understand. I got to 1:46 of one of their music videos and it sounds like the screech a train makes when it hits the brakes. With guitars and drums.
Now, for the less annoying ones:
Saosin- Not bad, a little too whiny, but at least it's not screamo. I might give them a chance in the future.
Kill Hannah- Kill just an AFI wannabe band. I like the name, yes, but there will only be ONE DAVEY. Got it? he's god. No cheap imitations, kthnxbai.
New finds that I like:
3Oh!3- hahaha....too funny. A bunch of white boys rapping, but it's actually pretty catchy and something I expect to hear out in Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, LA, NYC, the usual.
InnerPartySystem- eh, i just like them. They're good to listen to when you're chillin and prepping for a rave or something.
That is all.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I better write this down before I have a meltdown or something...
Tonight has been fabulous.
I got paid, it was my last day on the it didn't matter what I did!
My friend Sarah, who is the van driver picked us up at around 7:45pm...and we killed time until 8:30...haha...wandetring around, having a good time!
I also got paid for today...on the spot! HAHHAHA!
and for those of you who don't know...i've been working out like crazy since september, i started off...heavy, lol, but now the scale tells me i've lost more than 20lbs!
The caf had my favorite item...indian turkey burgers! basically turkey burgers, with curry and cucumber...i can never have enough!
i'm ending every sentence with an exclamation mark!
I am on such a rush right now...must be the pumpkin spice coffee i had...hehehe!
one more thing:
[bi-partisan message ends here]
XD :D :P
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