Saturday, September 27, 2008

MSI cont'd

I epically fail at remembering or going back to finish my story,
Most of the things that came out of Jimmy Urine's mouth that night were pretty Epic:
"If it weren't for me, you bitches would be at the Nickelback concert!"
"Your mom called (points to slut up on the balcony), she needs her outfit back so she can go to the Nickelback concert!"
"(somehow it ended up at) Hannah Montana's Bar Mitzvah." Crowd: "Boooo!!" Jimmy: "What are you all booing at? Hannah Montana or bar mitzvah? All of you are fucking racist!"
"You stole 20$ from your mom's purse to be here tonight!"
"All of you are a bunch of losers"

those were the memorable quotes.

Ok, now there's one more guy to mention: Gray shirt guy. He is different from red shirt guy. Grey shirt guy was fucking trashed, i smelled it in his breath (actually, most of the people there were trashed, and I heard there was a joint going around. I was sober, it made everything much better and memorable :]) Gray shirt guy was also sweaty as all hell, he was not as violent or a douche as red shirt guy, but he was leaning over some girl next to me who kept giving me the: "oh god, get this sweaty drunk guy off my back!" It was entertaining. 
So that was the concert. We met Dearestazazel after the concert and they gave us free pins. Sweet! I'm also in love with their album: Be Mine.

I hope another MSI concert is not too far into the future. I want to see those fuckers again. 

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