So let's start at the very beginning...
Five of us left at 2pm to go to Rochester, NY. There were some fun moments in the car which included my roommate, who was the driver, trying to kill us more than once, she also hit the 95 mph barrier a few times, my friend who was the co-pilot made it so that she looked like a Frankenstein girl. That was epic since she spent most of the car ride looking over trying to distract the drivers. The driver's reactions varied from "omg, wtf?" to "HELLS YEAH! You're awesome!"
We arrived in Rochester around 4:30 pm or so (how my roomie made cut off 30 minutes off the usual 3 hour drive up there was a surprise to us all...) and we made it to the venue on time. We met a couple of people in line, and the line wasn't at all long when we got there! So I was super excited about it.
Now, let me get into the people we met in line. First there was a guy who was sitting on a window ledge who was wearing a System of a Down shirt (Awesomeness!) who was pretty cool and took our group picture:

Enyways, there was also this one guy, lets call him pants guy:
He was high fiving everyone, getting people to sign his pants, and I thought he was on drugs, honestly. I saw him again inside the venue, front and center in front of the stage. Now, let me explain how he got there. We were fucked over yet again by ticketmaster. Why? When the doors at the venue open, they tell everyone that had will call tickets to line up on the left. All of the sudden, all the people who had their paper tickets go inside the venue. By this time, all five of us are pissed off as hell that we'd been fucked over yet again. So eventually we go in, about 10 minutes after the line on the right started moving. It turned out that Ticketmaster didn't even print out the tickets to give to the venue and we didn't even need tickets to go in. So what's the lesson? Never go with Ticketmaster, and if you do, curse at them. Over the phone.
We finally go in and we have to deal with the opening bands.I am the Dream pretty much blew and apparantely got booed off stage in Allentown, PA the night before. Next was Dearestazazel who was pretty awesome. Check them out! My favorite song by them was "My Friends are In Love with Satan". Hail Satin! :P Next up was innerpartysystem.
Here are some pics:
I am the Dream:
Go see facebook for pictures. If you don't have it, here the links, yo:
There are some many stories...
So there was this one guy with a red shirt who was generally being obnoxious, he was trying to shove his way up to the front near the barricade. He was kicking, shoving, etc. After a while, everyone up at the front had had enough of him and told the bouncers to fucking get rid of him. By this time, he was pretending to puke in order to get up to the front. The bouncer by then was looking for him and everyone pointed at him and yelled: "get him out! get him out!" So the bouncer got a hold of his legs, but the guy in the red shirt had an accomplice who was helping him out. So when the boucer had red shirt guy's legs, the accomplice had him arm locked. So what does the crowd do? beat the crap out of red guy's accomplice until he lets go of course! He eventually does and he got escorted out of the club. freaking sweet!
There were a bunch of crowd surfers who got sent over the barricade and sent to the back. Happens when you're a dumbass and crowd surf in a small venue :D
So we had a girl with us who we invited, she passed out during one of the opening bands and she didn't get to see MSI which was sad, but there's an epic story to with it. My friend went with her to cool her off since she had a condition where she can't sweat properly and she needs to not be so close like we were at the concert (I was about 10 ft away from Jimmy Urine most of the time!). So my friend took her to the back of the venue, and somehow she managed to get all the way to the front where the rest of us where! It was amazing and I was dumb founded. She fought and bit and shoved. Alrighty, i've been writing about the concert for some time. I'll finish it up tomorrow. But let's put it this way: I can die happy because i'm still soooo stocked about that concert. Amazingness.
Peace out, light hos.
1 comment:
At least you didn't pass out and miss the concert :)
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