...and she looks good.
Most def.
quick update, i'm at the library stealing internet.
I applied for a job and radio shack, and guess what? I got hired.
I needed a job, and i've always wanted to work there.
i'm hungry.
I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, really good but it's super long. It kept me entertained, though.
I also saw Yes man, very funny, but typical comedy with a romance in it. Not a romantic comedy, though.
Alright, time to go, go, go.
hey it's alright my life has always been a sad emotion. don't feel sorry for me feeling sorry has been my last devotion anyway! anyway! Yeah... hey it's alright my life has never been a bed of roses this way's better for me I don't care to live the life I've chosen.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Anyone know what that means?
I'm sitting around waiting for a ride to the post office, it's a mellow day out.
i'll be home tonight.
I'm going back to Texas for who knows how long.
Hopefully I can get some vacations in to other places so I don't go insane.
I know Wisconsin is in the schedule for May, fun times are planned ahead. I look forward to see people again that I haven't talked to in some time.
Errand time. gotta run.
I'm sitting around waiting for a ride to the post office, it's a mellow day out.
i'll be home tonight.
I'm going back to Texas for who knows how long.
Hopefully I can get some vacations in to other places so I don't go insane.
I know Wisconsin is in the schedule for May, fun times are planned ahead. I look forward to see people again that I haven't talked to in some time.
Errand time. gotta run.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I got this from facebook
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
blah blah blah. You can't tag anyone on blogger. But here are some random facts about me:
1. Not many know that I have a good singing voice. I choose not to sing to not seem so egotistical. I got it from my dad who used to sing in small competitions, to the contrary, i think my mom is tone deaf.
2. I tend to not go to choir or solo concerts often because i am highly critical of singers. I tend not to share my opinions out loud. So, if I think you sound bad when you sing, I probably won't tell you.
3. I have a really strange phobia concerning small dots or anything resembling them. I've only met one other person with the same phobia.
4. One day I went to a play tryout hungover during high school. I managed to get a small role that had some major singing parts.
5. I like to travel. A lot. sometimes my bank accounts dwindle because of this.
6. I have not been overseas yet, and when I plan to it will be for long periods of time.
7. i don't look forward to birthdays. It means I have to act more responsible.
8. I don't smoke very often, and when I do it's because i'm really stressed or trashed. i can pick up the habit just as easily as I can drop it.
9. I've always wanted a dog or a cat, but i've never had one because of lack of space in the house. I plan to have one once I settle down.
10. The idea of marriage scares me sometimes. Not because of the actual commitment, but because of the rings. I think of marriage rings as negative bindings. Why not just get married without having to flash a piece of gold? If I do get a ring, I would probably just wear it around my neck.
11. I don't make friends easily. I hate going to socials, I'm usually quite because I don't think there's much to say. When I do make friends, I tend to put everything on the line for a friend. It isn't easy to say goodbye to the real friends that i've made.
12. I don't believe in God. We had a big falling out. I'm willing to reconcile when things get better.
13. i'm immune to homesickness. I've adjusted to living away from home, and hopefully it'll prepare me when it comes time to live abroad.
14. I didn't see my mom cry until i was about 6 years old, when she found out that her brother had died. I, on the other hand, can still manage to throw a hissy fit when seen as necessary.
15. For some strange reason, i'm pretty good with basic technology. I used to like math and science and thought about training for a career in one or the other. However, calculus made me think twice about that idea.
16. I have good navigational skills. I can tell where north, south, east, and west are without much hesitation. I can remember how to get back to some place because I remember random shit like that sometimes.
+1 more for extra kicks:
17. I can't stand it when people complain. STFU or GTFU.
blah blah blah. You can't tag anyone on blogger. But here are some random facts about me:
1. Not many know that I have a good singing voice. I choose not to sing to not seem so egotistical. I got it from my dad who used to sing in small competitions, to the contrary, i think my mom is tone deaf.
2. I tend to not go to choir or solo concerts often because i am highly critical of singers. I tend not to share my opinions out loud. So, if I think you sound bad when you sing, I probably won't tell you.
3. I have a really strange phobia concerning small dots or anything resembling them. I've only met one other person with the same phobia.
4. One day I went to a play tryout hungover during high school. I managed to get a small role that had some major singing parts.
5. I like to travel. A lot. sometimes my bank accounts dwindle because of this.
6. I have not been overseas yet, and when I plan to it will be for long periods of time.
7. i don't look forward to birthdays. It means I have to act more responsible.
8. I don't smoke very often, and when I do it's because i'm really stressed or trashed. i can pick up the habit just as easily as I can drop it.
9. I've always wanted a dog or a cat, but i've never had one because of lack of space in the house. I plan to have one once I settle down.
10. The idea of marriage scares me sometimes. Not because of the actual commitment, but because of the rings. I think of marriage rings as negative bindings. Why not just get married without having to flash a piece of gold? If I do get a ring, I would probably just wear it around my neck.
11. I don't make friends easily. I hate going to socials, I'm usually quite because I don't think there's much to say. When I do make friends, I tend to put everything on the line for a friend. It isn't easy to say goodbye to the real friends that i've made.
12. I don't believe in God. We had a big falling out. I'm willing to reconcile when things get better.
13. i'm immune to homesickness. I've adjusted to living away from home, and hopefully it'll prepare me when it comes time to live abroad.
14. I didn't see my mom cry until i was about 6 years old, when she found out that her brother had died. I, on the other hand, can still manage to throw a hissy fit when seen as necessary.
15. For some strange reason, i'm pretty good with basic technology. I used to like math and science and thought about training for a career in one or the other. However, calculus made me think twice about that idea.
16. I have good navigational skills. I can tell where north, south, east, and west are without much hesitation. I can remember how to get back to some place because I remember random shit like that sometimes.
+1 more for extra kicks:
17. I can't stand it when people complain. STFU or GTFU.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i'm a horrible person
Which ones have you done?
(Don't mark which ones you've done.)
1. smoked.
2. consumed alcohol.
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
5. kissed someone of the same sex.
6. had sex.
7. had someone in your room other than family.
8. watched porn.
9. bought porn.
10. tried drugs.
1. taken painkillers.
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine.
3. lied to your parents.
4. lied to a friend.
5. snuck out of the house.
6. done something illegal.
7. felt hurt.
8. hurt someone.
9. wished someone to die.
10. seen someone die.
1. missed curfew.
2. stayed out all night.
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
4. been to a therapist.
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair.
7. received a ticket.
8. been in an accident.
9. been to a club.
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party.
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade.
3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
4. had a spring break in Florida.
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands.
8. wore t-shirts with band names.
9. listened to rap.
10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
1. dressed gothic.
2. dressed girly.
3. dressed punk.
4. dressed grunge.
5. stole something.
6. been too drunk to remember anything.
7. blacked out.
8. fainted.
9. had a crush on a neighbor.
1. had a crush on a friend.
2. been to a concert.
3. dry-humped someone.
4. been called a slut.
5. called someone a slut.
6. installed speakers in your car.
7. broken a mirror.
8. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house with them
9. brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush.
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater.
3. cruised the mall.
4. skipped school.
5. had surgery.
6. had an injury.
7. gone to court.
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping.
9. caught something on fire.
10. lied about your age.
1. owned/rented an apartment/house.
2. broke the law in the police's presence.
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf.
4. got in trouble with the police.
5. talked to a stranger.
6. hugged a stranger.
7. kissed a stranger.
8. rode in the car with a stranger.
9. been harassed.
10. been verbally harassed.
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online.
2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight.
5. been to a fair.
6. been called a bad influence.
7. drink and drive.
8. prank-called someone.
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.
10. cheated on a test.
Grand Total:56
If You Have Less Than 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
If You Have More Than 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
If You Have more Than 20..write [im average]
If You Have More Than 30..write [im a bad kid]
If You have more than 40..write [im a very bad influence]
If You Have more than 50..write [im a horrible person]
If You Have more than 60..write [i should be in jail]
If You Have more than 70..Write [i should be dead]
(Don't mark which ones you've done.)
1. smoked.
2. consumed alcohol.
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
5. kissed someone of the same sex.
6. had sex.
7. had someone in your room other than family.
8. watched porn.
9. bought porn.
10. tried drugs.
1. taken painkillers.
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine.
3. lied to your parents.
4. lied to a friend.
5. snuck out of the house.
6. done something illegal.
7. felt hurt.
8. hurt someone.
9. wished someone to die.
10. seen someone die.
1. missed curfew.
2. stayed out all night.
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
4. been to a therapist.
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair.
7. received a ticket.
8. been in an accident.
9. been to a club.
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party.
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade.
3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
4. had a spring break in Florida.
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands.
8. wore t-shirts with band names.
9. listened to rap.
10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
1. dressed gothic.
2. dressed girly.
3. dressed punk.
4. dressed grunge.
5. stole something.
6. been too drunk to remember anything.
7. blacked out.
8. fainted.
9. had a crush on a neighbor.
1. had a crush on a friend.
2. been to a concert.
3. dry-humped someone.
4. been called a slut.
5. called someone a slut.
6. installed speakers in your car.
7. broken a mirror.
8. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house with them
9. brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush.
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater.
3. cruised the mall.
4. skipped school.
5. had surgery.
6. had an injury.
7. gone to court.
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping.
9. caught something on fire.
10. lied about your age.
1. owned/rented an apartment/house.
2. broke the law in the police's presence.
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf.
4. got in trouble with the police.
5. talked to a stranger.
6. hugged a stranger.
7. kissed a stranger.
8. rode in the car with a stranger.
9. been harassed.
10. been verbally harassed.
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online.
2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight.
5. been to a fair.
6. been called a bad influence.
7. drink and drive.
8. prank-called someone.
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.
10. cheated on a test.
Grand Total:56
If You Have Less Than 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
If You Have More Than 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
If You Have more Than 20..write [im average]
If You Have More Than 30..write [im a bad kid]
If You have more than 40..write [im a very bad influence]
If You Have more than 50..write [im a horrible person]
If You Have more than 60..write [i should be in jail]
If You Have more than 70..Write [i should be dead]
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm about to post a link to my blog soon.
Hopefully a lot more people begin to read this...Amazing.
It's almost time to say goodbye.
It's almost time to pack.
I'm ready.
My life is beginning to sprout in Houston already.
I have an interview with Radio Shack next week, hopefully it works out.
Time to work.
Hopefully a lot more people begin to read this...Amazing.
It's almost time to say goodbye.
It's almost time to pack.
I'm ready.
My life is beginning to sprout in Houston already.
I have an interview with Radio Shack next week, hopefully it works out.
Time to work.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Running, Running, Running.
No, not running literally.
My mind is going at about 100 kilometers in the wrong direction. Must be the coffee.
Hm. I meant to write something deep and inspirational, but I seem to have forgotten my argument and point.
Eh. I guess I meant to point out that life works quickly and in strange ways.
I need to start packing up soon. I have so many things, I'll have to get rid of a bunch of things, mostly papers and what not. I didn't get much mail this semester, and that makes me sad.
Going back to Houston will be a fresh start. I'll pick up where I left off many years ago. It will feel weird to not travel on a plane as often anymore. However, it'll probably be good to save money that way as well.
My calendar is open for possibilities.
My mind is going at about 100 kilometers in the wrong direction. Must be the coffee.
Hm. I meant to write something deep and inspirational, but I seem to have forgotten my argument and point.
Eh. I guess I meant to point out that life works quickly and in strange ways.
I need to start packing up soon. I have so many things, I'll have to get rid of a bunch of things, mostly papers and what not. I didn't get much mail this semester, and that makes me sad.
Going back to Houston will be a fresh start. I'll pick up where I left off many years ago. It will feel weird to not travel on a plane as often anymore. However, it'll probably be good to save money that way as well.
My calendar is open for possibilities.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
thanksgiving break
It's thanksgiving break, so of course nothing is really getting done XD
True life is taking up most of my time.
it's enjoyable.
the campus completely shut down, so that means that the cafeteria is closed as well. boo. Tricia is here and we've been going to places and eating and stuff. On a budget, of course!
I move back to Houston in about three weeks, so it's back to the prison cell for me.
Thanksgiving dinner at James' tomorrow! I look forward to it.
True life is taking up most of my time.
it's enjoyable.
the campus completely shut down, so that means that the cafeteria is closed as well. boo. Tricia is here and we've been going to places and eating and stuff. On a budget, of course!
I move back to Houston in about three weeks, so it's back to the prison cell for me.
Thanksgiving dinner at James' tomorrow! I look forward to it.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
One of my favorite books is 1984. I first started reading it when I was in 7th grade, my teacher had assigned it to the reading group that I was in. We read Part I, I believe, and then I read the rest of the book during reading time in 8th grade. I was fascinated by it, how someone can rebel and be brought down by the society that overrules them.
Here's my beef-- the college I'm at has decided to install key card scanners on pretty much ALL doors on campus. You need your ID to get into the library, the academic center, the chapel, the bio/chem building, and on top of that you need your keycard to get food and go inside the Rec Center. The student body got an email a few days ago stating that the ID scanners were installed to heighten security, but my concern is: what instances have presented themselves and have threatened the security of the proximal environment. Who honestly wants to break in to a chapel passed the hours that it's supposed to be open?
It's getting a little annoying to have to beep in everywhere I go to. It's turned back to my high school years where you couldn't do anything without having your ID card.
Well, at least Lycoming maintains establishes a good base with its Alumna. Oh! Burn!
i'll leave with a positive note.

- (I realize i've been signing my 'name' wrong. so it's actually.
Here's my beef-- the college I'm at has decided to install key card scanners on pretty much ALL doors on campus. You need your ID to get into the library, the academic center, the chapel, the bio/chem building, and on top of that you need your keycard to get food and go inside the Rec Center. The student body got an email a few days ago stating that the ID scanners were installed to heighten security, but my concern is: what instances have presented themselves and have threatened the security of the proximal environment. Who honestly wants to break in to a chapel passed the hours that it's supposed to be open?
It's getting a little annoying to have to beep in everywhere I go to. It's turned back to my high school years where you couldn't do anything without having your ID card.
Well, at least Lycoming maintains establishes a good base with its Alumna. Oh! Burn!
i'll leave with a positive note.
- (I realize i've been signing my 'name' wrong. so it's actually.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I dissapeared for a little bit....
That's right. My Facebook is no more. For now. See, here's my deal, I have a lot of work to do, and facebook has been a big distraction. No, HUGE, ON AN EPIC SCALE.
So it would only be natural to delete my account so the temptation's not there. You know what? It's working pretty well actually. I've been getting a lot of work done thus far. I've also realized how much work I need to catch up on as well.
At least i'm not sick anymore. The nasty cough I had was really bad, if I didn't mention that before. I have not been that sick in such a long time. I had bronchitis when I was way younger because I was jumping around in the rain while it was 4o degrees out. I had it coming. Thankfully it didn't worsen beyond having to take medicine for it.
While I was finishing off this ridiculous paper on what Nietzche's slogan: "beyond good and evil" and what the hell he meant by it, that it finally hit me that I won't be returning to PA. It saddens me, really, having already established a base and having to leave yet again, so soon. My german professor has brought up the topic of my departure a few times already. He's an interesting character, relates well with the students, and I have to say that I have not had a teacher like him yet. I know of teachers like him, but I haven't taken their courses (in case you had a certain geologist in mind :P). Although i'll leave sad, it's been an interesting chapter in my life, and I definitely don't regret it. It's back to the public higher education school system for me *shudders*. Haha, it won't be too bad. It'll be cheaper as well.
It's close to 5am. I need to get to sleep before I sleep through another class again.
So it would only be natural to delete my account so the temptation's not there. You know what? It's working pretty well actually. I've been getting a lot of work done thus far. I've also realized how much work I need to catch up on as well.
At least i'm not sick anymore. The nasty cough I had was really bad, if I didn't mention that before. I have not been that sick in such a long time. I had bronchitis when I was way younger because I was jumping around in the rain while it was 4o degrees out. I had it coming. Thankfully it didn't worsen beyond having to take medicine for it.
While I was finishing off this ridiculous paper on what Nietzche's slogan: "beyond good and evil" and what the hell he meant by it, that it finally hit me that I won't be returning to PA. It saddens me, really, having already established a base and having to leave yet again, so soon. My german professor has brought up the topic of my departure a few times already. He's an interesting character, relates well with the students, and I have to say that I have not had a teacher like him yet. I know of teachers like him, but I haven't taken their courses (in case you had a certain geologist in mind :P). Although i'll leave sad, it's been an interesting chapter in my life, and I definitely don't regret it. It's back to the public higher education school system for me *shudders*. Haha, it won't be too bad. It'll be cheaper as well.
It's close to 5am. I need to get to sleep before I sleep through another class again.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
On Life and Death
it's Saturday. It's been one weke since I got sick.
It sucks.
I have been on my death bed all week...so much sleep, I wonder where all the energy for it came from. I am still sick and have a nasty cough. I'm living off of Dayquil and Vitamin C. It's ridiculous. I really don't wish this upon anyone. Except that one girl I don't really like. She can have it for two weeks because she's ridiculous.
alright, until next time.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Music Rant
Bare with me for a lil' bit...
so i've been looking around for some new music to add to my collection.
Now, for those of you who know me well enough, know that i CANNOT stand Screamo. Or any type of screaming metal type shit.
here we go:
Finntroll- if screaming metal doesn't scare you enough, they screaming metal in Finnish sure as hell will.
Lamb of God- After listening to them after TDWP (you'll see who they are)- They are a step up from screamo, but not by much. Why scream lyrics? Doesn't it hurt your vocal chords?
The Devil Wears Prada- Really? Did you have to scream so loudly and in such a whiny tone? I really don't understand. I got to 1:46 of one of their music videos and it sounds like the screech a train makes when it hits the brakes. With guitars and drums.
Now, for the less annoying ones:
Saosin- Not bad, a little too whiny, but at least it's not screamo. I might give them a chance in the future.
Kill Hannah- Kill Hannah...is just an AFI wannabe band. I like the name, yes, but there will only be ONE DAVEY. Got it? he's god. No cheap imitations, kthnxbai.
New finds that I like:
3Oh!3- hahaha....too funny. A bunch of white boys rapping, but it's actually pretty catchy and something I expect to hear out in Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, LA, NYC, the usual.
InnerPartySystem- eh, i just like them. They're good to listen to when you're chillin and prepping for a rave or something.
That is all.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I better write this down before I have a meltdown or something...
Tonight has been fabulous.
I got paid, it was my last day on the job...so it didn't matter what I did!
My friend Sarah, who is the van driver picked us up at around 7:45pm...and we killed time until 8:30...haha...wandetring around, having a good time!
I also got paid for today...on the spot! HAHHAHA!
and for those of you who don't know...i've been working out like crazy since september, i started off...heavy, lol, but now the scale tells me i've lost more than 20lbs!
The caf had my favorite item...indian turkey burgers! basically turkey burgers, with curry and cucumber...i can never have enough!
i'm ending every sentence with an exclamation mark!
I am on such a rush right now...must be the pumpkin spice coffee i had...hehehe!
one more thing:
[bi-partisan message ends here]
XD :D :P
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
20$ for a coffee mug?
I'm considering it actually...
It's amazing.
it's 12, but shipping brings it up to a grand total of 21$. CRAZY. who pays close to 10$ for shipping for a coffee mug?
In other news, the election is next WEEK. Meaning...it will be a crazy week next week...so...I have to get work done this week. Lame.
I know who i'm voting for, do you?
Monday, October 27, 2008
it's 3am...she won't put out.
Weekend one of two from Halloween celebrations have just passed us by...nothing interesting to report to all of you.
There's this one little box on facebook right under your profile picture where you can basically put a headline, for a long time mine was "Come what may and what may will be my fate; fate is my destiny, (my co-pilot in life[?], should I add that?)." I think it needs work, but it's pretty much my motto. I want to live life without a permanent schedule...without boundaries, without limits. That's why for some time, that box had: "It seemed like a good idea at the time..." it was the time period where I needed to check what I was sorrounding myself with and what it would bring in the future.
The future has become now. The year is winding down, as is my time remaining here. Make the best of it? Yes. Let spontaneous decisions take total control? No.
Let the games begin.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
so here it is...
lilmexicanjane (10:41:58 PM): so guess what
lilmexicanjane (10:42:09 PM): someone stole over 1,000$ from my room
lilmexicanjane (10:42:20 PM): combined from me and my roommate
lilmexicanjane (10:42:32 PM): and i was told i am the possible prime suspect
Mrgrimm601 (10:42:37 PM): X_?
lilmexicanjane (10:42:49 PM): *i was
Mrgrimm601 (10:47:58 PM): that's ridiculous
lilmexicanjane (10:49:10 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (10:49:18 PM): i love it how you assume i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:20 PM):
lilmexicanjane (10:49:21 PM): jk
lilmexicanjane (10:49:23 PM): i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:48 PM): the campus security asked me questions, the way they want you to admit that you did it
lilmexicanjane (10:50:03 PM): but i didn't do it, and i cried for the first time this semester
Mrgrimm601 (10:50:52 PM): motherfuckers
Mrgrimm601 (10:51:33 PM): they'll try to finger it on anyone who seems like they've got even the slightest hint of motive and access
lilmexicanjane (10:51:41 PM): jesus christ yes
lilmexicanjane (10:51:46 PM): i'm going to take a shower
lilmexicanjane (10:52:00 PM): but i have a lot of things that they can assume it was me
lilmexicanjane (10:52:09 PM): and i'll tell you in a bit
Mrgrimm601 (10:52:23 PM): aight
lilmexicanjane (11:09:43 PM): back
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): ok
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): so
lilmexicanjane (11:09:53 PM): i was questioned at the security office
lilmexicanjane (11:10:18 PM): they told me since it was after a certain amount of cash that had been stolen, they had contacted the City Police
lilmexicanjane (11:10:34 PM): so he asked me three times whether i did it or not
lilmexicanjane (11:10:40 PM): three times i told him no
lilmexicanjane (11:14:12 PM): i told him what i knew in terms of the money stolen. So after the questioning, he brought up that I wasn't going to be returning next year, because some of my other friends had been questioned and they mentioned that. I knew the answer he was looking for, he was looking for me to say that it was monetary issues. So i told him that i had an ortho down in Texas and i needed to finish my treatment down there, and then i said that money was also an issue, but not a huge one; i still had money in my bank account to pay all of the bills because of my income over the summer. Then he asked me where I worked, i told him, and he asked me that terrible question again. I tolf him no, I have no reason to steal the money, sure i'm poor, but i have no reason to steal it.
lilmexicanjane (11:14:48 PM): then he asked me what my major was, and if i was going to continue to study it at the next university that i was going to transfer to.
lilmexicanjane (11:16:16 PM): then he says: "i'm going to be honest with you, the police will think that you're the prime suspect"
lilmexicanjane (11:16:20 PM): and that's when i lost it
lilmexicanjane (11:16:46 PM): we ended the interview, and i basically ran out of the security office crying
lilmexicanjane (11:16:51 PM): and that's that.
lilmexicanjane (11:17:01 PM): i'm just waiting for the police to ask me questions now, i guess
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:37 PM): jesus mary n' joseph
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:44 PM): goddamn pigs
lilmexicanjane (11:18:08 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (11:18:13 PM): already, i'm outie
lilmexicanjane (11:18:25 PM): i'll catch you later love, i'm on to spread my story
I'm the prime suspect in the robbery. I went out of there defeated, crying back to my room because I was being accused of something I didn't do.
lilmexicanjane (10:42:09 PM): someone stole over 1,000$ from my room
lilmexicanjane (10:42:20 PM): combined from me and my roommate
lilmexicanjane (10:42:32 PM): and i was told i am the possible prime suspect
Mrgrimm601 (10:42:37 PM): X_?
lilmexicanjane (10:42:49 PM): *i was
Mrgrimm601 (10:47:58 PM): that's ridiculous
lilmexicanjane (10:49:10 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (10:49:18 PM): i love it how you assume i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:20 PM):
lilmexicanjane (10:49:21 PM): jk
lilmexicanjane (10:49:23 PM): i didn't do it
lilmexicanjane (10:49:48 PM): the campus security asked me questions, the way they want you to admit that you did it
lilmexicanjane (10:50:03 PM): but i didn't do it, and i cried for the first time this semester
Mrgrimm601 (10:50:52 PM): motherfuckers
Mrgrimm601 (10:51:33 PM): they'll try to finger it on anyone who seems like they've got even the slightest hint of motive and access
lilmexicanjane (10:51:41 PM): jesus christ yes
lilmexicanjane (10:51:46 PM): i'm going to take a shower
lilmexicanjane (10:52:00 PM): but i have a lot of things that they can assume it was me
lilmexicanjane (10:52:09 PM): and i'll tell you in a bit
Mrgrimm601 (10:52:23 PM): aight
lilmexicanjane (11:09:43 PM): back
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): ok
lilmexicanjane (11:09:44 PM): so
lilmexicanjane (11:09:53 PM): i was questioned at the security office
lilmexicanjane (11:10:18 PM): they told me since it was after a certain amount of cash that had been stolen, they had contacted the City Police
lilmexicanjane (11:10:34 PM): so he asked me three times whether i did it or not
lilmexicanjane (11:10:40 PM): three times i told him no
lilmexicanjane (11:14:12 PM): i told him what i knew in terms of the money stolen. So after the questioning, he brought up that I wasn't going to be returning next year, because some of my other friends had been questioned and they mentioned that. I knew the answer he was looking for, he was looking for me to say that it was monetary issues. So i told him that i had an ortho down in Texas and i needed to finish my treatment down there, and then i said that money was also an issue, but not a huge one; i still had money in my bank account to pay all of the bills because of my income over the summer. Then he asked me where I worked, i told him, and he asked me that terrible question again. I tolf him no, I have no reason to steal the money, sure i'm poor, but i have no reason to steal it.
lilmexicanjane (11:14:48 PM): then he asked me what my major was, and if i was going to continue to study it at the next university that i was going to transfer to.
lilmexicanjane (11:16:16 PM): then he says: "i'm going to be honest with you, the police will think that you're the prime suspect"
lilmexicanjane (11:16:20 PM): and that's when i lost it
lilmexicanjane (11:16:46 PM): we ended the interview, and i basically ran out of the security office crying
lilmexicanjane (11:16:51 PM): and that's that.
lilmexicanjane (11:17:01 PM): i'm just waiting for the police to ask me questions now, i guess
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:37 PM): jesus mary n' joseph
Mrgrimm601 (11:17:44 PM): goddamn pigs
lilmexicanjane (11:18:08 PM): i know
lilmexicanjane (11:18:13 PM): already, i'm outie
lilmexicanjane (11:18:25 PM): i'll catch you later love, i'm on to spread my story
I'm the prime suspect in the robbery. I went out of there defeated, crying back to my room because I was being accused of something I didn't do.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Gott sei dank für die Wochenende!
Time to check in! I'm about to leave in 45 minutes for a trip to Mifflinburg, PA to go to their Oktoberfest. Exciting!
Anyway, my week was shitty, as i've mentioned in many entries. But yesterday was GREAT. It added a bang to my shitty week, which means it was good thing (i'm not being sarcastic for once...).
My roommate and I managed to go to all of the fraternities on campus (they're concentrated in two buildings...so there's not much to walk or go to) except for one. So...I wasn't very impressed with greek life...the sororities were either composed of mostly bitches or girls who, well, to put it nicely, seemed a little shady. The roommate and I were mostly on the search of alchy-hol. didn't go so well actually, we did get a few shots here and there (including one called 'apple pie': shot of apple vodka, apple juice, followed by a spoonful of brown sugar and whipped cream, delicious!), but nothing much was going on. It's recruitment week, so all pledges are going up to the fraternity or sorority that they want to pledge for and basically party. But it was only for this weekend, next weekend is homecoming, yet another reason to drink on campus. As for me, depending on how this upcoming week goes, it will influence how much I drink. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last week. Hopefully relationships with friends continue to get better (eh...one topic i'm not definite on the facts for, so I won't talk about it right now).
Enyway, that's my update...catch you on the flip side!
Anyway, my week was shitty, as i've mentioned in many entries. But yesterday was GREAT. It added a bang to my shitty week, which means it was good thing (i'm not being sarcastic for once...).
My roommate and I managed to go to all of the fraternities on campus (they're concentrated in two buildings...so there's not much to walk or go to) except for one. So...I wasn't very impressed with greek life...the sororities were either composed of mostly bitches or girls who, well, to put it nicely, seemed a little shady. The roommate and I were mostly on the search of alchy-hol. didn't go so well actually, we did get a few shots here and there (including one called 'apple pie': shot of apple vodka, apple juice, followed by a spoonful of brown sugar and whipped cream, delicious!), but nothing much was going on. It's recruitment week, so all pledges are going up to the fraternity or sorority that they want to pledge for and basically party. But it was only for this weekend, next weekend is homecoming, yet another reason to drink on campus. As for me, depending on how this upcoming week goes, it will influence how much I drink. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last week. Hopefully relationships with friends continue to get better (eh...one topic i'm not definite on the facts for, so I won't talk about it right now).
Enyway, that's my update...catch you on the flip side!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A memorial for Suicide Bunny.
One of my friends gave me a website to check it in order to revive suicide bunny. Estimated cost: 129$.
I figured I could get another iPod on ebay for a few dollars more. So what have I been up to since yesterday? I've been watching as many 80GB Classic iPod as humanly possible on ebay. I came real close to winning a bid last night, but someone in the last 10 seconds of the bid outbid me. Great. I hate those people. Can't you buy your iPod from the apple store or something?
Meanwhile, i'm suffering through withdrawal. My iPod dock has been empty since Tuesday night when Suicide Bunny was having a brain and heart shut down. I can't find my cable that hooks up my headphones to my phone, so I can't carry around music and have a reason to be anti-social.
It's strange, my iPod was like a friend. It never judged me, it would act up sometimes but it eventually cooled down, you could shut it off whenever you wanted to, and best of all, it had my same music taste :) it was also a great travel companion, especially for long train, bus, or airplane trips.
I still can't believe it's dead. This week has been bad. Very bad. I got some tests and paper back. Moral of the story: I need to move into the library like I did last semester. Things haven't been going so well this week. eh.
bad week,
dead ipod,
suicide bunny
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My Ipod is Dead.
At around 8pm EST, Suicide Bunny had a high uncontrollable fever followed by strange clicking noises and the display going on and off. After much battle, Suicide Bunny was pronounced dead at 10:05am EST today.
RIP Suicide Bunny. I'll remember the good times when you didn't give me this much trouble.
RIP Suicide Bunny. I'll remember the good times when you didn't give me this much trouble.
Monday, September 29, 2008
i'm a punk!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
MSI cont'd
I epically fail at remembering or going back to finish my story,
Most of the things that came out of Jimmy Urine's mouth that night were pretty Epic:
"If it weren't for me, you bitches would be at the Nickelback concert!"
"Your mom called (points to slut up on the balcony), she needs her outfit back so she can go to the Nickelback concert!"
"(somehow it ended up at) Hannah Montana's Bar Mitzvah." Crowd: "Boooo!!" Jimmy: "What are you all booing at? Hannah Montana or bar mitzvah? All of you are fucking racist!"
"You stole 20$ from your mom's purse to be here tonight!"
"All of you are a bunch of losers"
"All of you are a bunch of losers"
those were the memorable quotes.
Ok, now there's one more guy to mention: Gray shirt guy. He is different from red shirt guy. Grey shirt guy was fucking trashed, i smelled it in his breath (actually, most of the people there were trashed, and I heard there was a joint going around. I was sober, it made everything much better and memorable :]) Gray shirt guy was also sweaty as all hell, he was not as violent or a douche as red shirt guy, but he was leaning over some girl next to me who kept giving me the: "oh god, get this sweaty drunk guy off my back!" It was entertaining.
So that was the concert. We met Dearestazazel after the concert and they gave us free pins. Sweet! I'm also in love with their album: Be Mine.
I hope another MSI concert is not too far into the future. I want to see those fuckers again.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
oh churches...
Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
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Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
------------ --------- --------- ------------ --------- -------
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: 'Break Forth Into Joy.'
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
------------ --------- --------- --------- - - ------------ ----
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
---- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --- -- ------------ -
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is done.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
------------ --------- --------- --------- -----
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare' s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ------
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan
Last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours'
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
------------ --------- --------- -- ------------ --------- -----
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
------------ --------- --------- ------------ --------- -------
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: 'Break Forth Into Joy.'
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
------------ --------- --------- --------- - - ------------ ----
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
---- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --- -- ------------ -
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is done.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
------------ --------- --------- --------- -----
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare' s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ------
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan
Last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours'
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So, about that MSI concert...

So let's start at the very beginning...
Five of us left at 2pm to go to Rochester, NY. There were some fun moments in the car which included my roommate, who was the driver, trying to kill us more than once, she also hit the 95 mph barrier a few times, my friend who was the co-pilot made it so that she looked like a Frankenstein girl. That was epic since she spent most of the car ride looking over trying to distract the drivers. The driver's reactions varied from "omg, wtf?" to "HELLS YEAH! You're awesome!"
We arrived in Rochester around 4:30 pm or so (how my roomie made cut off 30 minutes off the usual 3 hour drive up there was a surprise to us all...) and we made it to the venue on time. We met a couple of people in line, and the line wasn't at all long when we got there! So I was super excited about it.
Now, let me get into the people we met in line. First there was a guy who was sitting on a window ledge who was wearing a System of a Down shirt (Awesomeness!) who was pretty cool and took our group picture:

Enyways, there was also this one guy, lets call him pants guy:
He was high fiving everyone, getting people to sign his pants, and I thought he was on drugs, honestly. I saw him again inside the venue, front and center in front of the stage. Now, let me explain how he got there. We were fucked over yet again by ticketmaster. Why? When the doors at the venue open, they tell everyone that had will call tickets to line up on the left. All of the sudden, all the people who had their paper tickets go inside the venue. By this time, all five of us are pissed off as hell that we'd been fucked over yet again. So eventually we go in, about 10 minutes after the line on the right started moving. It turned out that Ticketmaster didn't even print out the tickets to give to the venue and we didn't even need tickets to go in. So what's the lesson? Never go with Ticketmaster, and if you do, curse at them. Over the phone.
We finally go in and we have to deal with the opening bands.I am the Dream pretty much blew and apparantely got booed off stage in Allentown, PA the night before. Next was Dearestazazel who was pretty awesome. Check them out! My favorite song by them was "My Friends are In Love with Satan". Hail Satin! :P Next up was innerpartysystem.
Here are some pics:
I am the Dream:
Go see facebook for pictures. If you don't have it, here the links, yo:
There are some many stories...
So there was this one guy with a red shirt who was generally being obnoxious, he was trying to shove his way up to the front near the barricade. He was kicking, shoving, etc. After a while, everyone up at the front had had enough of him and told the bouncers to fucking get rid of him. By this time, he was pretending to puke in order to get up to the front. The bouncer by then was looking for him and everyone pointed at him and yelled: "get him out! get him out!" So the bouncer got a hold of his legs, but the guy in the red shirt had an accomplice who was helping him out. So when the boucer had red shirt guy's legs, the accomplice had him arm locked. So what does the crowd do? beat the crap out of red guy's accomplice until he lets go of course! He eventually does and he got escorted out of the club. freaking sweet!
There were a bunch of crowd surfers who got sent over the barricade and sent to the back. Happens when you're a dumbass and crowd surf in a small venue :D
So we had a girl with us who we invited, she passed out during one of the opening bands and she didn't get to see MSI which was sad, but there's an epic story to with it. My friend went with her to cool her off since she had a condition where she can't sweat properly and she needs to not be so close like we were at the concert (I was about 10 ft away from Jimmy Urine most of the time!). So my friend took her to the back of the venue, and somehow she managed to get all the way to the front where the rest of us where! It was amazing and I was dumb founded. She fought and bit and shoved. Alrighty, i've been writing about the concert for some time. I'll finish it up tomorrow. But let's put it this way: I can die happy because i'm still soooo stocked about that concert. Amazingness.
Peace out, light hos.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
So the concert is tomorrow, yesterday was a good night, our roommate and I had our gays come over (our new freshman BFFs, en serio). It was talk like a pirate day yesterday so our floor basically went all out in dressing up and what not. My roommate and I, however, are a different story. We didn't do anything. Hahaha.
I still have to tell the Lyco crew the reason why I have to leave here. I don't think i'm ready to tell them why.
I think i'll be ready soon though. By then I think i'll be crying my eyes out.
I still have to tell the Lyco crew the reason why I have to leave here. I don't think i'm ready to tell them why.
I think i'll be ready soon though. By then I think i'll be crying my eyes out.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
i found this on facebook and didn't want to post it since I think I have one there
If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!
Opening credits
Boom!- System of a Down
haha, i like this title song.
Waking up
Stupid Girl- Cold
Way to be blunt.
First day of school
Thetawaves- System of a Down
Falling in Love
Voyager- Daft Punk
Fight Song
Hurt- Johnny Cash.
wow, that actually fits. In an emo sort of way.
Breaking Up
Indochine- Salombo
now it's my break up song.
Indochine- Justine
Hard Rock Hallelujah- Lordi.
Britchka- Gipsy Talisman
Hyperventilation- Apocalyptica
Getting back together
Soldier Side (the second part)- System of a Down
another sweet one.
My eyes, My Heart- Ghazal
Don't Stay- Linkin Park
Birth of a Child
Cold Heritage- Lacuna Coil.
(...no comment?)
Death scene
Queen of Argyll- Silly Wizard
Funeral song
Hail Satan! (Live)- Mindless Self Indulgence
oh my.
Ending credits
What a Wonderful World- Louis Armstrong
2 days!!
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!
Opening credits
Boom!- System of a Down
haha, i like this title song.
Waking up
Stupid Girl- Cold
Way to be blunt.
First day of school
Thetawaves- System of a Down
Falling in Love
Voyager- Daft Punk
Fight Song
Hurt- Johnny Cash.
wow, that actually fits. In an emo sort of way.
Breaking Up
Indochine- Salombo
now it's my break up song.
Indochine- Justine
Hard Rock Hallelujah- Lordi.
Britchka- Gipsy Talisman
Hyperventilation- Apocalyptica
Getting back together
Soldier Side (the second part)- System of a Down
another sweet one.
My eyes, My Heart- Ghazal
Don't Stay- Linkin Park
Birth of a Child
Cold Heritage- Lacuna Coil.
(...no comment?)
Death scene
Queen of Argyll- Silly Wizard
Funeral song
Hail Satan! (Live)- Mindless Self Indulgence
oh my.
Ending credits
What a Wonderful World- Louis Armstrong
2 days!!
3 days!
So there IS a happy ending to this story:
I ended up calling the venue where the concert was going to be at, and they told me to 1. Call up ticketmaster and tell them to cancel my other tickets that had been shipped to my house and 2. put another set of them on will call. One of my friends who's a regular concert goer told me if will call was an option, meaning i'd buy the tickets and they'd be waiting for us at the venue where the concert is. So kudos goes out to Water Street Music Hall in Rochester, NY. w00t!
Now, even MORE reasons why Ticketmaster is evil!
So ticketmaster actually handled the transaction smoothly and told me the will call thing was going to work out. Right before hanging up with the guy from customer service I gladly told him that Ticketmaster had given me the run around and that they were evil. Since they, in fact, did not inform me of the will call option which would've saved me not only money, but worries and an almost waterworks session.
Well now, that's the end of that.
3 more days! it's parent's weekend starting on friday. I'm glad my mom isn't coming up. I'd go insane and she'd stay until tuesday. How lame.
I ended up calling the venue where the concert was going to be at, and they told me to 1. Call up ticketmaster and tell them to cancel my other tickets that had been shipped to my house and 2. put another set of them on will call. One of my friends who's a regular concert goer told me if will call was an option, meaning i'd buy the tickets and they'd be waiting for us at the venue where the concert is. So kudos goes out to Water Street Music Hall in Rochester, NY. w00t!
Now, even MORE reasons why Ticketmaster is evil!
So ticketmaster actually handled the transaction smoothly and told me the will call thing was going to work out. Right before hanging up with the guy from customer service I gladly told him that Ticketmaster had given me the run around and that they were evil. Since they, in fact, did not inform me of the will call option which would've saved me not only money, but worries and an almost waterworks session.
Well now, that's the end of that.
3 more days! it's parent's weekend starting on friday. I'm glad my mom isn't coming up. I'd go insane and she'd stay until tuesday. How lame.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
4 days.
I am freaking out like no other right now. My tickets for the MSI concert were shipped to my house....actually, let's start at the very beginning.
So a few weeks ago a couple of friends decided it would be KICK ASS to go to the MSI concert. so YAY! But to which show? The one in Rochester, NY of course!
[Friday September 5th]So i'm the only one with a debit card, so i volunteer to use mine to pay for the tickets. Little did I know that's how hell would start to unravel.
[Saturday September 6th] The next day after I bought the tickets, I received an automated phone call from ticketmaster telling me that my billing address wasn't confirmed from the bank. So lo and behold, I had to call them again.
Scene 2:
I call ticketmaster that night and talk to my local retailer in Houston since they don't have one in williamsport for some odd reason. So I call and I give them the right billing address, but here's the catch: they won't be able to send it to me in Williamsport where I AM LOCATED because they are stupid. So I tell them to e-mail me the tickets, and they promise they'll be in my inbox in 5-20 minutes. I wait, wait, wait and wait...nothing. So I call again, go through the whole process and they tell me the same thing. Again, same waiting time, and there's nothing in my inbox.
-Scene change-
I call again on monday, since the website told me to wait at least 48 hours for the tickets to be sent to me. I cal again and they finally tell me that the tickets cannot indeed be sent to my email because the venue doesn't allow it. So my only option now is to ship them via UPS (14.50$ to do so) to my house. Standard mail could ship up to 24-48hrs before the performance, time we don't have to be waiting around for them.
Scene 3:
so the tickets were supposed to get to my house September 12, but thanks to Hurricane Ike (gee, thanks! just what I needed...), delivery was delayed until September effing 15th. Now, here's the crescendo I need for this situation:
I last spoke to my mother on Friday right before the Hurricane was supposed to hit. She said she wasn't going anywhere and said where we lived wasn't in grave danger. I tried calling again on Sunday to figure out if she was still there, and guess what? No answer. I figured, the power is still out, there were some strong winds and I'd read some articles about how 1.2 million people didn't have power. I called again yesterday, but my friend who lives near me in Houston said there was no power anywhere. So I try again today, and no answer. This time I text my friend and she informs me that although there's still no power, the phone lines ARE working. Now, later on in the day, late afternoon-ish, she texts me again and tells me that power is up an running. So I call my mom again since I think YES! There should be no problem to connect my call to the house. Guess what? NO ONE ANSWERED. I am worried about where she is and why she hasn't called ME at all. On Monday when the package was delivered by UPS to my house, the signature was signed "VESINA" although not spelled correctly, it means "neighbor" in spanish. Which makes me think that it was signed by the bitchyass neighbor of ours and my mom hasn't been home since at least Monday or maybe even before. WTF mom, WTF.
So now I don't know what to do. I've called a couple of cousins, one of them says she hasn't talked to her, and the other one's phone gives me the busy signal. Probably because she didn't pay her bill. So now i'm going to ask my friend to see if my mom is even in the fucking house.
wow. I didn't realize how much i've gone through until i wrote this. This has been one holy hell i've been through. The show, however, will be amazing.
That's something Ticketmaster, UPS, or Ike can not fuck up for me.
So a few weeks ago a couple of friends decided it would be KICK ASS to go to the MSI concert. so YAY! But to which show? The one in Rochester, NY of course!
[Friday September 5th]So i'm the only one with a debit card, so i volunteer to use mine to pay for the tickets. Little did I know that's how hell would start to unravel.
[Saturday September 6th] The next day after I bought the tickets, I received an automated phone call from ticketmaster telling me that my billing address wasn't confirmed from the bank. So lo and behold, I had to call them again.
Scene 2:
I call ticketmaster that night and talk to my local retailer in Houston since they don't have one in williamsport for some odd reason. So I call and I give them the right billing address, but here's the catch: they won't be able to send it to me in Williamsport where I AM LOCATED because they are stupid. So I tell them to e-mail me the tickets, and they promise they'll be in my inbox in 5-20 minutes. I wait, wait, wait and wait...nothing. So I call again, go through the whole process and they tell me the same thing. Again, same waiting time, and there's nothing in my inbox.
-Scene change-
I call again on monday, since the website told me to wait at least 48 hours for the tickets to be sent to me. I cal again and they finally tell me that the tickets cannot indeed be sent to my email because the venue doesn't allow it. So my only option now is to ship them via UPS (14.50$ to do so) to my house. Standard mail could ship up to 24-48hrs before the performance, time we don't have to be waiting around for them.
Scene 3:
so the tickets were supposed to get to my house September 12, but thanks to Hurricane Ike (gee, thanks! just what I needed...), delivery was delayed until September effing 15th. Now, here's the crescendo I need for this situation:
I last spoke to my mother on Friday right before the Hurricane was supposed to hit. She said she wasn't going anywhere and said where we lived wasn't in grave danger. I tried calling again on Sunday to figure out if she was still there, and guess what? No answer. I figured, the power is still out, there were some strong winds and I'd read some articles about how 1.2 million people didn't have power. I called again yesterday, but my friend who lives near me in Houston said there was no power anywhere. So I try again today, and no answer. This time I text my friend and she informs me that although there's still no power, the phone lines ARE working. Now, later on in the day, late afternoon-ish, she texts me again and tells me that power is up an running. So I call my mom again since I think YES! There should be no problem to connect my call to the house. Guess what? NO ONE ANSWERED. I am worried about where she is and why she hasn't called ME at all. On Monday when the package was delivered by UPS to my house, the signature was signed "VESINA" although not spelled correctly, it means "neighbor" in spanish. Which makes me think that it was signed by the bitchyass neighbor of ours and my mom hasn't been home since at least Monday or maybe even before. WTF mom, WTF.
So now I don't know what to do. I've called a couple of cousins, one of them says she hasn't talked to her, and the other one's phone gives me the busy signal. Probably because she didn't pay her bill. So now i'm going to ask my friend to see if my mom is even in the fucking house.
wow. I didn't realize how much i've gone through until i wrote this. This has been one holy hell i've been through. The show, however, will be amazing.
That's something Ticketmaster, UPS, or Ike can not fuck up for me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Where did you go to high school?
What year did you graduate?
Favorite teacher:
Jeff R., Kathy J., Chen, X., Robert E.
Worst Teacher:
Mark N., Bill P.
Rumor you heard about one of your teachers:
they kept it amongst themselves
Name something you did in school, that if caught
you would have been in major trouble:
drinking, messing stuff up.
Class troublemaker was:
we had so many, mostly foreigners.
Smoke cigs?
Smoke pot?
Did you ever start a rumor about a classmate or teacher?
Didn't start one, but sure did pass some along.
What was it?
random stuff here and there.
Favorite hangout:
Your favorite part about school:
Friends and Photography Class.
Did you ever cheat on a test?
At this school, no.
Ever cheat on homework?
usually if i'd been lazy the night before.
Ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Wish you had done anything different?
Gotten to know people earlier on.
Text during class?
didn't have a phone.
In any clubs?
yeah, a lot and never did anything.
Play any sports?
yeah. XC skiing and softball.
Do you want to go back and relive you high school years?
half of the first semester and all of the last semester of senior year. Minus all the drama.
Would you want to be a teenager now a days or then?
Then, i've moved on from the past days.
What year did you graduate?
Favorite teacher:
Jeff R., Kathy J., Chen, X., Robert E.
Worst Teacher:
Mark N., Bill P.
Rumor you heard about one of your teachers:
they kept it amongst themselves
Name something you did in school, that if caught
you would have been in major trouble:
drinking, messing stuff up.
Class troublemaker was:
we had so many, mostly foreigners.
Smoke cigs?
Smoke pot?
Did you ever start a rumor about a classmate or teacher?
Didn't start one, but sure did pass some along.
What was it?
random stuff here and there.
Favorite hangout:
Your favorite part about school:
Friends and Photography Class.
Did you ever cheat on a test?
At this school, no.
Ever cheat on homework?
usually if i'd been lazy the night before.
Ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Wish you had done anything different?
Gotten to know people earlier on.
Text during class?
didn't have a phone.
In any clubs?
yeah, a lot and never did anything.
Play any sports?
yeah. XC skiing and softball.
Do you want to go back and relive you high school years?
half of the first semester and all of the last semester of senior year. Minus all the drama.
Would you want to be a teenager now a days or then?
Then, i've moved on from the past days.
I fail.
So I fail at keeping my promises of updating everyday. I get caught up in other stuff which leaves me no time for stuff that doesn't fit into the following:
a) affect my grades
b) stuff that isn't facebook
c) or wikipedia
d) Mindless Self Indulgence
e) my roommate who thinks it's funny to make fun of me :(
f) Irish Step Dance and Belly dancing.
but it's 5 DAYS! until the concert :) i'm so happy! YAY! omgwtfbbq! i'll take pictures if i can manage to sneak in my camera.
alright, i'm getting ADD...so until next time.
a) affect my grades
b) stuff that isn't facebook
c) or wikipedia
d) Mindless Self Indulgence
e) my roommate who thinks it's funny to make fun of me :(
f) Irish Step Dance and Belly dancing.
but it's 5 DAYS! until the concert :) i'm so happy! YAY! omgwtfbbq! i'll take pictures if i can manage to sneak in my camera.
alright, i'm getting ADD...so until next time.
Friday, September 12, 2008
a continuation
It's still 9 days before the concert, but i'm going to write in anyway.
Well, it's been a good couple of weeks at Lyco. I've been keeping myself busy by joining a couple of clubs, and i've decided to make myself feel important by buying a nice planner from the school store.
It's raining outside, but it doesn't feel like a bad day. I got my OPI nail polish, so it's all good. I can't wait to transfer, I've been in and out of Texas for so long, I need a small break from it. Well, at least i'm trained to be away from home, or a base, for long periods of time. I think I can handle it as an International Studies major now. :)
Well, it's been a good couple of weeks at Lyco. I've been keeping myself busy by joining a couple of clubs, and i've decided to make myself feel important by buying a nice planner from the school store.
It's raining outside, but it doesn't feel like a bad day. I got my OPI nail polish, so it's all good. I can't wait to transfer, I've been in and out of Texas for so long, I need a small break from it. Well, at least i'm trained to be away from home, or a base, for long periods of time. I think I can handle it as an International Studies major now. :)
9 days...!
ah! I totally fail at keeping up with the promise to write in here everyday before the MSI concert...oops! anyway, the countdown is in the single digits!
ugh. i'm gross and need to shower. 9 days! Song of the day is "On it"!
ugh. i'm gross and need to shower. 9 days! Song of the day is "On it"!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Middle of Week Three!
It's the middle of week three, I have a german exam I need to study for, so this will be a quick post.
So my views of Lycoming have changed slightly, it's not as bad as it seems, but i've also noticed the city where i'm in...shitty as hell. I'd rather be in a big city and do whatever the heck I want...where the crime is almost proportional to the population of people. Here, the crime is blown out proportion according to the population, meaning that there's a lot of crime and not too many people. Honestly? Really. I have a good roommate this year, she doesn't like the idea that i'm leaving at semester. But it's official now. The school knows i'm not coming back next semester. I don't mind, i still look forward to transferring to UNT. hopefully when I go back to Houston I can establish a wider homebase for chillin and what not.
Alright, back to the books. 11 Days until the Mindless Self Indulgence concert in Rochester, NY! We could've done closer, but some things got in the way.
So my views of Lycoming have changed slightly, it's not as bad as it seems, but i've also noticed the city where i'm in...shitty as hell. I'd rather be in a big city and do whatever the heck I want...where the crime is almost proportional to the population of people. Here, the crime is blown out proportion according to the population, meaning that there's a lot of crime and not too many people. Honestly? Really. I have a good roommate this year, she doesn't like the idea that i'm leaving at semester. But it's official now. The school knows i'm not coming back next semester. I don't mind, i still look forward to transferring to UNT. hopefully when I go back to Houston I can establish a wider homebase for chillin and what not.
Alright, back to the books. 11 Days until the Mindless Self Indulgence concert in Rochester, NY! We could've done closer, but some things got in the way.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
this feels like a good night for blogging....
Well, less than two weeks left at this job, and i'll be heading back home. I have less than two weeks there and then i'll be headed for Lyco. How crazy is that?
I've been thinking a lot about what i'm going to do for next year, and so far I don't feel any regrets or any reason to change my plans. For those of you who don't know what i'm doing, here's my plan: next semester i'll be returning to Lycoming, but Spring semester i'll be heading back to Houston and i'll be going to community college there. I want to finish off my basic credits so I can get those out of the way. Then, for fall semester, i'll be applying to the University of North Texas. Thanks to talking to an online friend (since that's really the only way we communicate), North Texas offers what I want, and it's also close to home. By then I should know how to drive, so I should be able to go home whenever I want. I was thinking of going back to Lycoming, but I don't think that's an option that makes sense. Everytime I think of transferring to UNT, it makes me happy inside. I found out later on last semester that I wasn't too happy at Lycoming, So it'd be better to transfer. Not to mention the loans that i'm taking out.
Summer has been good and bad. I've learned many things that i hadn't seen in myself before, i've gained a few friends, and i've strengthened bonds with old friends. It feels good to be at the home away from home. I've gained a little bit of liberty as a staff as opposed to being a student, but it still has its stresses. I like kayaking, canoeing, camping, talking, bitching about what we hate, and making s'mores...although for now i'm sick of them.
Will next summer be the same? How will next year be?
it stresses me out a bit to think about it, but it makes me feel so accomplished to know i'd been in many places in just a year. Only time will tell, and all will be revealed in time.
I've been thinking a lot about what i'm going to do for next year, and so far I don't feel any regrets or any reason to change my plans. For those of you who don't know what i'm doing, here's my plan: next semester i'll be returning to Lycoming, but Spring semester i'll be heading back to Houston and i'll be going to community college there. I want to finish off my basic credits so I can get those out of the way. Then, for fall semester, i'll be applying to the University of North Texas. Thanks to talking to an online friend (since that's really the only way we communicate), North Texas offers what I want, and it's also close to home. By then I should know how to drive, so I should be able to go home whenever I want. I was thinking of going back to Lycoming, but I don't think that's an option that makes sense. Everytime I think of transferring to UNT, it makes me happy inside. I found out later on last semester that I wasn't too happy at Lycoming, So it'd be better to transfer. Not to mention the loans that i'm taking out.
Summer has been good and bad. I've learned many things that i hadn't seen in myself before, i've gained a few friends, and i've strengthened bonds with old friends. It feels good to be at the home away from home. I've gained a little bit of liberty as a staff as opposed to being a student, but it still has its stresses. I like kayaking, canoeing, camping, talking, bitching about what we hate, and making s'mores...although for now i'm sick of them.
Will next summer be the same? How will next year be?
it stresses me out a bit to think about it, but it makes me feel so accomplished to know i'd been in many places in just a year. Only time will tell, and all will be revealed in time.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
no title!
i've been so busy. the kids are crazy, lessons have been learned. i'm looking at the world through a different set of goggles now.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
it's 2:11 and it's raining in Milwaukee. I'm waiting for my bus to Wausau where a dear friend of mine will pick me up. Everything has gone smoothly despite the fact that my teeth hurt so much I can barely eat anything that requires biting. I got my wire put in a few days ago, and so the transformation now begins.
this whole trip up here seems so surreal to me. It doesn't feel like i've left Houston. I guess looking at the green woods again will hit me that I have indeed gone away from the city. well, I have been jumping from city to city, so maybe that's why it doesn't feel like i've traveled much. I remember when time when I went up to conserve and i had a little bit of a culture shock, the trees were so green, there was so much open air and space; but here's the catch: this happened senior year. After 4 years, you'd think i was used to the woods, but it didn't seem that way. the mind works in weird ways.
well, i'm off to facebook before i am wireless again for 5 hours.
this whole trip up here seems so surreal to me. It doesn't feel like i've left Houston. I guess looking at the green woods again will hit me that I have indeed gone away from the city. well, I have been jumping from city to city, so maybe that's why it doesn't feel like i've traveled much. I remember when time when I went up to conserve and i had a little bit of a culture shock, the trees were so green, there was so much open air and space; but here's the catch: this happened senior year. After 4 years, you'd think i was used to the woods, but it didn't seem that way. the mind works in weird ways.
well, i'm off to facebook before i am wireless again for 5 hours.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
not an emo blog
i'm tempted to escape but I have obligations.
I'm happy, but miserable.
it's a good thing, but it's embarrassing.
i'm hungry but i just ate.
I don't want to write an emo blog because there's not enough time for feelings.
I'm happy, but miserable.
it's a good thing, but it's embarrassing.
i'm hungry but i just ate.
I don't want to write an emo blog because there's not enough time for feelings.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
one more (for the road)
It's 6:23 am and about to leave for home. I woke up this early because I can't remember whether the security guard told me to wait for him at 6:45 or 7:15am. Come to think of it, 7:15 make a lot more sense now.
I'm going to be home in a few hours. Wahoo. I look forward to being in warm weather again. I have also not been in Texas for early May in 4 years. That should be a change. I'm packed, ready to move and nervous as always for my trip.
Keep in mind: Why travel when your feelings have a huge role when you depart or say goodbye?
I won't be online for a while (about a month), So have a good one until then.
I'm going to be home in a few hours. Wahoo. I look forward to being in warm weather again. I have also not been in Texas for early May in 4 years. That should be a change. I'm packed, ready to move and nervous as always for my trip.
Keep in mind: Why travel when your feelings have a huge role when you depart or say goodbye?
I won't be online for a while (about a month), So have a good one until then.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
i'll link you to these pretty funny sites.
because procrastination is everyone's minor.
procrastination one!
procrastination 2
Listen to Muse! they're awesome!!!1
procrastination one!
procrastination 2
Listen to Muse! they're awesome!!!1
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Party Monster
I must admit, I'm a sucker for the "glamour films".
Here's a recent one I've seen and found most interesting:
click to see me!

Based on club kids Michael Alig and James St. James from the late 1980s to 1990s, goes into the underground world of glamour, transvestites, and of course, the underground club parties in NYC. Cast includes Macaulay Culkin, Seth Green, Wilmer Valderrama, and Marilyn Manson.
Here's a recent one I've seen and found most interesting:
click to see me!

Based on club kids Michael Alig and James St. James from the late 1980s to 1990s, goes into the underground world of glamour, transvestites, and of course, the underground club parties in NYC. Cast includes Macaulay Culkin, Seth Green, Wilmer Valderrama, and Marilyn Manson.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Year One.
I was inspired from seeing one of my friend's notes to also write a note reflecting my first college year thus far.
I'm not tagging anyone, because I want you to find this note on your own. Kind of like a scavenger-hunt type thing.
First off, I thank Lycoming for making me come to my senses concerning what I want to do with the rest of my life. I originally came here for the rarely offered Astronomy undegrad program, but I found myself being distracted from my Astronomy homework by looking for study abroad programs instead. This semester by taking Dr. Roskin's Into to Poli Sci class, i've realized that I want to study other cultures in a ethical and political sense; I want to learn about and travel the world.
Although I never officially declared myself an Astronomy major, I undeclared myself a few weeks ago. In my mind, I thought there was a possibility to still make it a minor. But to be honest, i'd rather be studying something else instead. Now i'm pursuing the track of double majoring in Political Science and International Studies with a minor in Spanish or German (I have yet to decide which one to pick, and yes, I still haven't declared!).
This week (although it's only Wednesday) has been an incredible eye opening experience for me. I've come to realize that although Lycoming offers a "security blanket" (as described by others), there is no coverage and security enough for me. I am an incredibly shy person and will not open up to anyone very easily. But it's been second semester, and i've found no one to completely confide in; no one to tell my problems to. To me, this is a major issue. I thank my one friend which i've been in contact via IM (you know who you are) for their support and their opinions that I actually need. To bad you're in another place other than Lycoming.
What gets to me is that a lot of people on campus are more worried about how many times they'll slip on their way to class and complain and bitch about it rather than if their friends made it to the Academic Center alright. I come from a very small boarding school in Northern Wisconsin, so going to a school of about 1,500 people was still a major impact. Although everyone complained, it was rather easy to tell them to shut the fuck up and get over it. Here, it's not so easy to do that.
I am naturally a loner. It started off in 5th grade when I transitioned over from ESL to a class taught completely in English. Of course, language was an issue, but now you don't notice my accent when I talk to you. Of course, I still have that funky grammar that appears now and then when I type something. I was alone for the majority of the first semester, but now when someone wants to include me in something, it feels odd and weird (no offense to you). I did have fun, i'll give you that, I do want to trust you, but I just can't, and I don't know why. In this case I can safely say it's not you, it's completely me.
What I'm getting to is that although I've had a lot of fun with a variety of people, I still haven't found a true network of friends that I can completely connect with. It was hard to leave my friends from high school behind, they mean the world to me. But even they have their own lives to worry about. So, I often find myself alone when I don't want to be alone. I fell into a deep pit yesterday that only one person was able to get me out of. Thanks so much for your help and thank you for putting up with my indecisiveness :)
I'm glad Lycoming let's us out in a few weeks, I need to be away and give my mind a rest. I look forward to, if it goes through, working at Conserve this summer. I need a break to the place where I was able to evolve from a girl to a young adult.
Now, I keep getting sidetracked, but here's the thing i'm going to end with: a top of finally having the opportunity to finally have professional help on one thing I am VERY self-conscious about (my teeth), along with the reasons mentioned above, and the money I have to spend to come out to Lycoming, I've made the decision that I will not be returning to Lycoming in the Spring Semester of 2009. There are a lot of things I have to deal with that require my immediate attention. It was my goal to ultimately live in the East Coast, and although it's not in the best city, it was definitely worth it flying out here from Texas to learn many new things in and outside of the classroom. Maybe later on, i'll be offered the opportunity again to live on the east coast, this time a place that'll be easier to travel in and out of. I have found such a place in Texas that offers everything I ever wanted, but that place will remain between me and the person who recommended it to me until I decide what I want to do in the Spring Semester of 2009.
Who knows, in the end I might transfer back to Lycoming for my final year. But I won't place any bets on that.
I'll catch you on the flip side.
I'm not tagging anyone, because I want you to find this note on your own. Kind of like a scavenger-hunt type thing.
First off, I thank Lycoming for making me come to my senses concerning what I want to do with the rest of my life. I originally came here for the rarely offered Astronomy undegrad program, but I found myself being distracted from my Astronomy homework by looking for study abroad programs instead. This semester by taking Dr. Roskin's Into to Poli Sci class, i've realized that I want to study other cultures in a ethical and political sense; I want to learn about and travel the world.
Although I never officially declared myself an Astronomy major, I undeclared myself a few weeks ago. In my mind, I thought there was a possibility to still make it a minor. But to be honest, i'd rather be studying something else instead. Now i'm pursuing the track of double majoring in Political Science and International Studies with a minor in Spanish or German (I have yet to decide which one to pick, and yes, I still haven't declared!).
This week (although it's only Wednesday) has been an incredible eye opening experience for me. I've come to realize that although Lycoming offers a "security blanket" (as described by others), there is no coverage and security enough for me. I am an incredibly shy person and will not open up to anyone very easily. But it's been second semester, and i've found no one to completely confide in; no one to tell my problems to. To me, this is a major issue. I thank my one friend which i've been in contact via IM (you know who you are) for their support and their opinions that I actually need. To bad you're in another place other than Lycoming.
What gets to me is that a lot of people on campus are more worried about how many times they'll slip on their way to class and complain and bitch about it rather than if their friends made it to the Academic Center alright. I come from a very small boarding school in Northern Wisconsin, so going to a school of about 1,500 people was still a major impact. Although everyone complained, it was rather easy to tell them to shut the fuck up and get over it. Here, it's not so easy to do that.
I am naturally a loner. It started off in 5th grade when I transitioned over from ESL to a class taught completely in English. Of course, language was an issue, but now you don't notice my accent when I talk to you. Of course, I still have that funky grammar that appears now and then when I type something. I was alone for the majority of the first semester, but now when someone wants to include me in something, it feels odd and weird (no offense to you). I did have fun, i'll give you that, I do want to trust you, but I just can't, and I don't know why. In this case I can safely say it's not you, it's completely me.
What I'm getting to is that although I've had a lot of fun with a variety of people, I still haven't found a true network of friends that I can completely connect with. It was hard to leave my friends from high school behind, they mean the world to me. But even they have their own lives to worry about. So, I often find myself alone when I don't want to be alone. I fell into a deep pit yesterday that only one person was able to get me out of. Thanks so much for your help and thank you for putting up with my indecisiveness :)
I'm glad Lycoming let's us out in a few weeks, I need to be away and give my mind a rest. I look forward to, if it goes through, working at Conserve this summer. I need a break to the place where I was able to evolve from a girl to a young adult.
Now, I keep getting sidetracked, but here's the thing i'm going to end with: a top of finally having the opportunity to finally have professional help on one thing I am VERY self-conscious about (my teeth), along with the reasons mentioned above, and the money I have to spend to come out to Lycoming, I've made the decision that I will not be returning to Lycoming in the Spring Semester of 2009. There are a lot of things I have to deal with that require my immediate attention. It was my goal to ultimately live in the East Coast, and although it's not in the best city, it was definitely worth it flying out here from Texas to learn many new things in and outside of the classroom. Maybe later on, i'll be offered the opportunity again to live on the east coast, this time a place that'll be easier to travel in and out of. I have found such a place in Texas that offers everything I ever wanted, but that place will remain between me and the person who recommended it to me until I decide what I want to do in the Spring Semester of 2009.
Who knows, in the end I might transfer back to Lycoming for my final year. But I won't place any bets on that.
I'll catch you on the flip side.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
So I saw Bill Clinton a few days ago, and I ditched the trip that went to NYC.
I didn't regret ditching it, and got to shake Bill Clinton's hand! It was great. I was close, but I wasn't able to take a picture with him.
I really like the last paper I wrote, and I want to share it. I'll do it, under one condition: only if I get an A on it.
Does anyone read this anymore?
I didn't regret ditching it, and got to shake Bill Clinton's hand! It was great. I was close, but I wasn't able to take a picture with him.
I really like the last paper I wrote, and I want to share it. I'll do it, under one condition: only if I get an A on it.
Does anyone read this anymore?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
7 hours is way too much time to sleep through
I find myself looking forward to the readings that we're given in Theater class. It finally hit me that filling my time with educational pastimes such as doing my homework or catching up about how thousands of people will lose their jobs in the upcoming months due to the US's shotty economy, makes time pass quicker. Lately for theater class, we've been assigned to do readings from Nineteenth-Century Drama through the Turn of the Twentieth Century. This stuff is amazing! So far i've managed to get through Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House and Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. Both are magnificent! Don't fool me with this crap about how much you love Shakespeare; everyone knows his plays are not only broke through in Elizabethan theater, but they also serve as sleeping pills.
To be honest, I was dreading taking theater, but I found a new appreciation for this often downgraded subject. Don't get me wrong, I like watching plays, I just don't want to be on stage.
College does a lot of stuff to you...
PS- the italic lettering was totally an accident. It looks pretty in draft.
To be honest, I was dreading taking theater, but I found a new appreciation for this often downgraded subject. Don't get me wrong, I like watching plays, I just don't want to be on stage.
College does a lot of stuff to you...
PS- the italic lettering was totally an accident. It looks pretty in draft.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Don't go towards the white light! You'll fall and break your hip.
So this week i'm trying out this thing called working out. Along with it comes "eating healthy". So i'm cutting out unnecessary fats. Like cheezburgrs.
It's Good Friday, although Jesus DIED today. I don't see anything really good about it...
May the power of the lord be within in you on this holy day.
Remember not to eat meat...
Holy Holidays (although holy is already implied in that word...) are the most interesting to observe. You can watch everyone just go crazy...holy style, and also in an organized matter.
Speaking of trips, I went to the King of Prussia Mall on Palm Sunday (har har). But I most say, I was not impressed at all. To put it in one sentence, it's an architecturally aesthetic building, but it's as if someone decided to fill it up with expensive stores.
In next week's agenda: Legally Blonde the Musical on Broadway. Expect pictures from that event! :)
It's Good Friday, although Jesus DIED today. I don't see anything really good about it...
May the power of the lord be within in you on this holy day.
Remember not to eat meat...
Holy Holidays (although holy is already implied in that word...) are the most interesting to observe. You can watch everyone just go crazy...holy style, and also in an organized matter.
Speaking of trips, I went to the King of Prussia Mall on Palm Sunday (har har). But I most say, I was not impressed at all. To put it in one sentence, it's an architecturally aesthetic building, but it's as if someone decided to fill it up with expensive stores.
In next week's agenda: Legally Blonde the Musical on Broadway. Expect pictures from that event! :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A letter to you:
If I seem isolated one of these days, blame it on the genes.
I'm sorry if I go off easily on you. I just need time to be alone. I just need the time to myself to reflect on the meaning of my existence. Yes, it's true, I've hit rock bottom. Anything can trigger this train of thoughts, if you can call them that. from the sarcastic remark to the sad part of the movie, anything can trigger it. Don't worry, it wasn't your fault; I just need more time to realize that people don't have the time for me, and that I just want the attention. It'll be a long time before I can process this idea and face the fact that i'm still looking for my savior, and that you don't quite meet the standards. My savior will be someone that i've been truly looking forward to meeting, someone who I don't need to say a word before they can completely comprehend what i'm going through and know exactly what to do, to pull me out of this pandemonium in my head.
Don't worry about me shooting up the school, it's not the attention that I want to get for 15 seconds as I later proceed to blow my brains out; it's not that. I just need someone whom I can't be ashamed to be in front of. Fortunately for you, I haven't found you yet. In the end, I think i'll be doing more damage to you instead of benefiting myself.
In the meantime, just let me be. If I tell you I can't tell you something, I mean it. Don't try to get to the bottom of it. In the end, we'll just be separated by fate and you won't remember me or my problems anymore. It'll be then that it will be the birth of a new regret to me. I don't mean for these comments to usher you away; it's not that I think you're not strong enough, it's that you won't be able to fully understand me. No one will. I don't need a fauxmate or a soulmate right now. I need the scary thoughts of the future ahead of me that'll cradle my sanity straight to an asylum.
It's not you, it's me.
I'm sorry if I go off easily on you. I just need time to be alone. I just need the time to myself to reflect on the meaning of my existence. Yes, it's true, I've hit rock bottom. Anything can trigger this train of thoughts, if you can call them that. from the sarcastic remark to the sad part of the movie, anything can trigger it. Don't worry, it wasn't your fault; I just need more time to realize that people don't have the time for me, and that I just want the attention. It'll be a long time before I can process this idea and face the fact that i'm still looking for my savior, and that you don't quite meet the standards. My savior will be someone that i've been truly looking forward to meeting, someone who I don't need to say a word before they can completely comprehend what i'm going through and know exactly what to do, to pull me out of this pandemonium in my head.
Don't worry about me shooting up the school, it's not the attention that I want to get for 15 seconds as I later proceed to blow my brains out; it's not that. I just need someone whom I can't be ashamed to be in front of. Fortunately for you, I haven't found you yet. In the end, I think i'll be doing more damage to you instead of benefiting myself.
In the meantime, just let me be. If I tell you I can't tell you something, I mean it. Don't try to get to the bottom of it. In the end, we'll just be separated by fate and you won't remember me or my problems anymore. It'll be then that it will be the birth of a new regret to me. I don't mean for these comments to usher you away; it's not that I think you're not strong enough, it's that you won't be able to fully understand me. No one will. I don't need a fauxmate or a soulmate right now. I need the scary thoughts of the future ahead of me that'll cradle my sanity straight to an asylum.
It's not you, it's me.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
well Herrrrooowww
The pope moved St. Patrick's day 2 days back so it wouldn't coincide with Holy Week.
Har, har, big mistake Mr. Holy Man.
guess what I did last night? No, it doesn't involve feasting on corned beef.
I regret nothing, although I do need to learn from my mistakes. And I also lost my cell phone battery, so i'm cellphoneless.
I have a few weeks left here. in about 5 weeks or so (eep!) i'm making my way back home. I decided to work at a summer program at my old school this summer. Let's see how that works out.
Well, time to do work. Peace out.
Har, har, big mistake Mr. Holy Man.
guess what I did last night? No, it doesn't involve feasting on corned beef.
I regret nothing, although I do need to learn from my mistakes. And I also lost my cell phone battery, so i'm cellphoneless.
I have a few weeks left here. in about 5 weeks or so (eep!) i'm making my way back home. I decided to work at a summer program at my old school this summer. Let's see how that works out.
Well, time to do work. Peace out.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Finally! A chance to sit down...
Spring break came and went; it was mostly chilly when I was in Boston. But I can't really complain, i'm not really able to visit any other time of the year if I don't want to spend a lot on a place to stay. My friend T-dawg was nice enough to let me stay at Boston University with her roommate. It was free, so that was sweet. I headed out on Friday, but it turns out it was a very bad idea. I got a ride from someone I met through Craigslist, (before you freak out and say EWW!!! why did you do that?!?! I really had no other options because I suck at maintaining a proper budget. So, I went for the next best thing which was a FREE ride to NYC.) I got a free dinner and my bus ticket was paid so that I could go to Boston...so it wasn't as bad as you may think. Now, Friday was a bad day to head out because it was snowing terribly. It took about 6-7hours to get to NYC rather than the usual 4 hours. We stopped at a chinese buffet, by other than that, the ride was pretty uneventful. There was a car that turned over that we passed when we were on the road for an hour. I can't tell you how many cop cars we passed. We got to NYC at about 11:30pm, right after the last chinese bus left for Boston. Greyhound shut down their buses because of the snow storm, and the nest bus wasn't leaving until 7:00am the next morning. So I slept over at my ride's place, which was a small room in a basement in a house in NYC. I slept soundly although I usually don't sleep so much when i'm in a bed that's not my own.
So I woke up the next day around 7:30am...I was supposed to take the 6am chinatown bus, but the person who I was staying with didn't want to wake me up because I was snoring. haha. Well, we were off by 7:45am and we went to go see when the bus left and he went to go buy a ticket for me--- which totally caught me off guard. We went to go get diner in little Italy, and it turns out we went to an expensive place...it was called Ferrara. I got a pannoli and some orange juice...really good, but too sweet for a morning treat. My ride ordered a cake and an espresso. He ended up giving me the whole cake, which was delicious. Everything was great, and by 9:30 am I was on my way to Boston! That same night I made some decisions...and I don't regret them because I had tons of fun calling everyone :). Although I don't remember half the things that happened. But it was all in good fun. The next morning we went for breakfast..or rather brunch at a really yummy place. T-Dawg ate most of my muffin. =[ On monday I did the freedom trail, but most of the places I wanted to see, like Paul Revere's house and the Old North Church were closed. incredibly lame, the weather was fantastic though. On Tuesday I went to MIT and Harvard, i spent way more time than I should've at Harvard, and I thought it was a smart idea to walk to MIT from Harvard, but what I didn't count on was that it was going to rain on me halfway, so it was kind of pointless to take the T to MIT. Although the highlight of my day was that I ate at an Indian buffet...it was so good! It was like being at my indian friend's house again. haha.
Wednesday was uneventful because it was cold and i just decided to sleep instead of go out. So I stayed an extra day and went to the Sam Adams brewery on Thursday. Everyone should go there if you're ever in Boston. It was over in Jamaica Plains...SCARY! i know...right?
Well, I left on Friday :( I got to wander around NYC for a little bit before my bus to Williamsport left. it snowed AGAIN on friday, and I had a fun time walking from the bus station to my dorm. I slipped once, but it didn't matter, Williamsport is a ghost town without all the students...it's kind of sad, really.
Well, anyway, i've been wondering whether I should stay at Lycoming or transfer somewhere close to home? I already decided that Astronomy isn't the subject for me...otherwise things would be different now. I decided on Political Science which is something I am more passionate about. It's sad i'm dropping astro, but I might pick it as a minor. Which reminds me...I need to declare next year. I have until the end of sophomore year to do it, but I want to declare now. Then I have time to plan for the future. Sweet.
Well, i'll probably continue on my thoughts later on...right now i'm in such a great mood, i don't think anything can bring me down :).
So I woke up the next day around 7:30am...I was supposed to take the 6am chinatown bus, but the person who I was staying with didn't want to wake me up because I was snoring. haha. Well, we were off by 7:45am and we went to go see when the bus left and he went to go buy a ticket for me--- which totally caught me off guard. We went to go get diner in little Italy, and it turns out we went to an expensive place...it was called Ferrara. I got a pannoli and some orange juice...really good, but too sweet for a morning treat. My ride ordered a cake and an espresso. He ended up giving me the whole cake, which was delicious. Everything was great, and by 9:30 am I was on my way to Boston! That same night I made some decisions...and I don't regret them because I had tons of fun calling everyone :). Although I don't remember half the things that happened. But it was all in good fun. The next morning we went for breakfast..or rather brunch at a really yummy place. T-Dawg ate most of my muffin. =[ On monday I did the freedom trail, but most of the places I wanted to see, like Paul Revere's house and the Old North Church were closed. incredibly lame, the weather was fantastic though. On Tuesday I went to MIT and Harvard, i spent way more time than I should've at Harvard, and I thought it was a smart idea to walk to MIT from Harvard, but what I didn't count on was that it was going to rain on me halfway, so it was kind of pointless to take the T to MIT. Although the highlight of my day was that I ate at an Indian buffet...it was so good! It was like being at my indian friend's house again. haha.
Wednesday was uneventful because it was cold and i just decided to sleep instead of go out. So I stayed an extra day and went to the Sam Adams brewery on Thursday. Everyone should go there if you're ever in Boston. It was over in Jamaica Plains...SCARY! i know...right?
Well, I left on Friday :( I got to wander around NYC for a little bit before my bus to Williamsport left. it snowed AGAIN on friday, and I had a fun time walking from the bus station to my dorm. I slipped once, but it didn't matter, Williamsport is a ghost town without all the students...it's kind of sad, really.
Well, anyway, i've been wondering whether I should stay at Lycoming or transfer somewhere close to home? I already decided that Astronomy isn't the subject for me...otherwise things would be different now. I decided on Political Science which is something I am more passionate about. It's sad i'm dropping astro, but I might pick it as a minor. Which reminds me...I need to declare next year. I have until the end of sophomore year to do it, but I want to declare now. Then I have time to plan for the future. Sweet.
Well, i'll probably continue on my thoughts later on...right now i'm in such a great mood, i don't think anything can bring me down :).
Friday, February 29, 2008
There is so much to learn out in the world. All you need is your open mind and a map to help you navigate and conquer all of your fears. Take other's advice and translate it into something you can understand. In the end, all will unfold as it should.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
happy valentine's day!!!
hello faithful readers!
I'm back again, and unfortunately, I have the sniffles. What bothers me about it is that it hit me like a ton of bricks...BAM! yesterday I woke up with a bad cough, bad enough that I was afraid to cough. The bad thing is that I had a mid term yesterday, a quiz, and a mock speech. I fell asleep early on Thursday, but I had no clue why. I couldn't concentrate on studying for my Poli Sci mid term. I think I did mediocre on it, thanks to not skipping any Poli Sci classes. Especially since I might major in the subject. I just can't stand the teacher, he reminds me a lot of Mark Nienstaedt, a former lawyer turned teacher, in terms of being stubborn and thinking his assumptions are always right.
So I have some kind of cold, and it's actually the first time i've gotten sick on campus. The last time i got sick was when I was at home. I probably caught it from someone here and then got sick once I went home. I was sick over Christmas day. It came to my advantage when I didn't want to be with my mom's side of the family anymore. I hate that side. All they do is complain when in reality they should be grateful because my mom got their illegal asses here just in time so they wouldn't get busted. Does that sound at all fair to you? Give shit to your aunt because she brought you over? Last time I checked, the probability of my cousins still living in Mexico, getting shit pay, and having a ton of kids, was very high. I hate to be so stereotypical, but it's true. I can't wait for break, only one more week...I get to see Tricia! in Boston! I get to see boston for reals this time, which I am so excited about. The last time I was near that area, I was looking at boarding schools in New England, but didn't get into anywhere I wanted to go to. So, that's basically why I went to Conserve...teehee...now you know my secret.
Well, i'm off to eat. I've been sleeping all day and it's 3:50pm. I can sleep an amazing amount when i'm sick.
I'm back again, and unfortunately, I have the sniffles. What bothers me about it is that it hit me like a ton of bricks...BAM! yesterday I woke up with a bad cough, bad enough that I was afraid to cough. The bad thing is that I had a mid term yesterday, a quiz, and a mock speech. I fell asleep early on Thursday, but I had no clue why. I couldn't concentrate on studying for my Poli Sci mid term. I think I did mediocre on it, thanks to not skipping any Poli Sci classes. Especially since I might major in the subject. I just can't stand the teacher, he reminds me a lot of Mark Nienstaedt, a former lawyer turned teacher, in terms of being stubborn and thinking his assumptions are always right.
So I have some kind of cold, and it's actually the first time i've gotten sick on campus. The last time i got sick was when I was at home. I probably caught it from someone here and then got sick once I went home. I was sick over Christmas day. It came to my advantage when I didn't want to be with my mom's side of the family anymore. I hate that side. All they do is complain when in reality they should be grateful because my mom got their illegal asses here just in time so they wouldn't get busted. Does that sound at all fair to you? Give shit to your aunt because she brought you over? Last time I checked, the probability of my cousins still living in Mexico, getting shit pay, and having a ton of kids, was very high. I hate to be so stereotypical, but it's true. I can't wait for break, only one more week...I get to see Tricia! in Boston! I get to see boston for reals this time, which I am so excited about. The last time I was near that area, I was looking at boarding schools in New England, but didn't get into anywhere I wanted to go to. So, that's basically why I went to Conserve...teehee...now you know my secret.
Well, i'm off to eat. I've been sleeping all day and it's 3:50pm. I can sleep an amazing amount when i'm sick.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's hard to lie when you're drunk
Hmmm. I've been keeping a promise to write a really long blog, but I just can't seem to find for it. I don't know why. Well, recently four of us have been getting together to play a good game of back alley bridge. It's a long game to describe, so I won't bother with it. Anyway, it's been snowing like crazy lately. People have been complaining about it, but I certainly haven't. Hell, this sort of makes up for the lack of snow that PA has. inspired by that, I finally gave in and bought some college logo wear. After all, it's 15% off. I needed new lounge pants anyway. I went about a semester with that one Lyco shirt they gave me at the beginning of the year. Well, gotta invest my loan money somewhere good, right? Anyway, the day was pretty uneventful. I went to work, and I also slept in for my only class, I have no idea how that happened since my cell phone is my alarm and i'm usually awake when it goes off.
Anyway, I'm psyched that this possible Boston trip to see Tricia might work out. I haven't seen her in a loooonggg time, and I misses her a lot :( With her help, my mommy, and I, i think we can pull it together and make it work. I've been to Boston once, but we didn't stop long enough to sight see and what not. So i'm excited. I also have to get all this together. Afterall, i'm registered to be gone 2 days of break :)
Anyway, I just remembered the shitload of hmwk that I have to do.
Until next time,
Ciao amores.
Anyway, I'm psyched that this possible Boston trip to see Tricia might work out. I haven't seen her in a loooonggg time, and I misses her a lot :( With her help, my mommy, and I, i think we can pull it together and make it work. I've been to Boston once, but we didn't stop long enough to sight see and what not. So i'm excited. I also have to get all this together. Afterall, i'm registered to be gone 2 days of break :)
Anyway, I just remembered the shitload of hmwk that I have to do.
Until next time,
Ciao amores.
Monday, February 4, 2008
American Gangster
So I watched the movie today, thanks to my college film showings, etc. That thing is great. They show movies Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I usually catch the movies Sunday nights. Anyway, I went to see American Gangster. Let me tell you right off the bat, I liked the ending. There's nothing much to it, but it's one of the strongest scenes in the film. The film is based on a true story of a gangster, and unlike any other gangsters, this is a family of black gangsters instead of your typical Italian or Russian mafias. I like those too, but this diversity made me crack up a little, simply because you don't see too many of them. Anyway, before I make myself sound any racist, overall, it was a good movie. It had a good theme (hurrah for gangster movies!), although the beginning was incredibly slow moving. That's one of the things I didn't like. It was very realistic, so there was none of this "love is in the air" and "my life is a complete tragedy, let's slow everything down" kind of crap. I recommend it, and give it...let's see, the star system is over used a lot, so let's go foreign to make me sound cooler :P i'll go with puffmais, german for popcorn. It also kind of sounds like spanish. So, I give this....3.5 out of 5 puffmaise's.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Well, Well,
it's taken me so long to write another entry in here.
It's been a mediocre 3 or so weeks. I started my job again at the Phonathon last week. Today I was able to get a pledge of 1,000$ from an alumni who had never ever donated before. It was amazing, and I got the extra 20$ bonus for the night :)
arggh, well. i've been worrying just a little bit about. I'm supposed to be shipping out to Boston for a weekend, the one where spring break starts, it's expensive to get out there, so I need to get a ride. Thanks to the technology offered in this new millennium, I can seek out a ride. via facebook.
I'll keep the details up to date. Or, try to. I know, i sucks at writing on this thing often.
I think i'll start doing reviews.
it's taken me so long to write another entry in here.
It's been a mediocre 3 or so weeks. I started my job again at the Phonathon last week. Today I was able to get a pledge of 1,000$ from an alumni who had never ever donated before. It was amazing, and I got the extra 20$ bonus for the night :)
arggh, well. i've been worrying just a little bit about. I'm supposed to be shipping out to Boston for a weekend, the one where spring break starts, it's expensive to get out there, so I need to get a ride. Thanks to the technology offered in this new millennium, I can seek out a ride. via facebook.
I'll keep the details up to date. Or, try to. I know, i sucks at writing on this thing often.
I think i'll start doing reviews.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
argh. it's 2008.
I meant to put in a blog right before the new year started, but that didn't work out too well.
so here's some culture for you:
they are Moomins (Mu-mins), from Finland. They seems to be popular in all places but the US.
They like to share and hate fighting,

eh. this entry is going to suck because i'm sleepy and i have a class tomorrow. all my classes are so damn early this semester. =(
anyway, the holidays were alright. the return is ok, i like this place, but not that much. I can deal. hmm. nothing else comes to mind...I like to collect pins. that is all.
so here's some culture for you:
they are Moomins (Mu-mins), from Finland. They seems to be popular in all places but the US.
They like to share and hate fighting,

eh. this entry is going to suck because i'm sleepy and i have a class tomorrow. all my classes are so damn early this semester. =(
anyway, the holidays were alright. the return is ok, i like this place, but not that much. I can deal. hmm. nothing else comes to mind...I like to collect pins. that is all.
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